
Showing posts from 2014


Good evening readers and welcome to classicandreal. Now there’s something all of reading this are; we are alive. Now there’s something all of us have got no matter how dead we think we are, scientifically, we all have life in us. we have our heart vessels pumping blood, our nervous system is sending electrical signals constantly, our alveoli is filtering oxygen. Bottom line, we are alive. We have life in us whether we like it or we don’t. so we can admit that everyday, there’s a lesson or two to be learnt. I learn everyday as I walk on the street, eat, sleep, wake, live; I learn. I’ve met people with the good, the bad or the ugliest of hearts. I’ve been through tragedy and cried my heart out and through joy and laughed my lungs out. I’ve seen, experienced maybe not as much as you have but nevertheless, I have. And most of all, I’ve learnt. I am going to give you seventeen lessons life has taught me and I want you to also learn from me. Not because I am Metuselah who has seen it all, b


I want you all to say this, it was our pledge in secondary school and it has helped me through life a whole lot; ‘I am a unique and irreplaceable individual, my vocation in life is also personal, therefore; I must not follow the group always’ We are unique, we are irreplaceable but most of all, we are individuals. There’s just one of us, just one and no one has control over your life except God and yourself. Have you ever notice that nothing changes in your life until you make up your mind that you want it to? Take for instance, a junkie. Till he decides to make up his mind to change and take measures to changing he won’t, no matter how much he tells people hey! I’m a changed man or pray, He has to decide. We are all as different as our fingerprints and no two people have exactly the same view of life, we all view life from a different perspective. So fuck what you hear on the street; people judging your opinion, your relationship, your achievements and setbacks, your business, your


I'm the devil in my weakness The one with the trigger The anger in my meekness For lust my soul's eager In fearness I am fearless What if my heart exposes my hunger For my hunger is quite grieveless My want is like a digger It goes deeper than madness Bigger but not better But still in my quietness I hope it doesnt grow fonder I'm sorry I brood in my carelessness I'm sorry I'm the ginger in my anger I'm sorry but nonetheless I'm sorry I'm only human


Relationships can be stressful can’t it? Guys let’s talk about this. You meet a beautiful girl; she tickles your fancy and everything about her gets you in all the right places, she seems intelligent, put together, she looks like a girl that has a good head on her shoulder, got a smart mouth on her and everything she says makes sense, she’s your type and you just know it. The exact kind of girl you want in a lady, she makes you feel like you finally have someone you know, that someone you can call baby. That one person that is your person. But just when you start committing your all, being the best you can be in a relationship and missing important football matches because of her, you find out that she has two boyfriends, oh plus you making three. Okay not one, two. So you are just one of the many. Isn’t that unfair? That’s unfair don’t you think. Y’all guys that turn to hardcore assholes at the end and assume all girls are two for one kobo, I’m sure it’s start from somewhere like thi


Look at yourself this morning; you’re a human right? The fact that you are reading this means your brain is perfectly okay. You can think, you can reason, you can speculate, decide, and contemplate. You are functioning. You might be deaf but your brain isn’t, you might have an amputation but your brain doesn’t. Your brain is okay, your brain functions so you can think. Now think; am I proud of who I am, where I am, what I am doing, am I trying the best to get to where I want to be, am I taking responsibilities for my failures or looking for who to throw the blame on, am I growing or am I just stagnant, am I doing the right things or looking for ways to just live in youthful exuberance, be a juvenile, delinquent in his ways of thinking, am I wasting my time on productive things, am I proud of how people see me, do I read, study, invest, build, sacrifice or do I just look for ways to cut corners, gossip and party, am I wasting my money on the right things, what do I have to show for my


A blissful October to my beautiful readers out there. Hope life is taking it easy on all of us. I apologize for my break, I had my attention shifted for a while but I'm back! To begin with, statistics has it that an average twenty one years old doll in naija, apart from the "hardcore" SUs have had at least one to two exes. What went wrong? Most reasonable ladies enter a relationship with at their mindsets set on atleast a 10% chance that this dude might become a husband at the end of it all, So what causes breakups in most relationships. We all have one or two or more flaws we see in our guys that we dont like. Some are traditionalist, sexist, proud, demanding, crass, lazy, too exuberant, no goals. And the sad part is they think they are completely fine. *sigh* what can we do than hope and pray. Sorry if I sound one sided but my words are real, you know I'm being honest. Well I'm here today for my ladies. We all are not going to turn out to be nuns so we look at


I met a guy as brief as the comet So beautiful to experience, so amazing I'm honest He shone when he spoke and for his heart I longet But still he was brief like the sun in the rain forest So tell me heart, why you long for what's not everlasting Why I think of him when I know forever is not forthcoming Tell me why he makes my heart beat faster and slower at the same rate I met a guy as brief as the comet, thats my damn fate So I sit back and all I have are my thoughts My daydreams, his words, our memories, I'm caught Well what can I do than stop myself from getting hurt I met a guy as brief as the comet, my heart I cast lot But so what, I'll still look up to the sky The comet always comes back be it day or nigh' I'll still smile and hope he'll still be mine Though he is as brief as a comet, I love this guy.


I am a lady, 5 ft 8” tall, dark and pleasant. I’ve survived in this world for eighteen years, watched people die and watched people been brought to life, I know what pain, joy, excitement, heartbreak, satisfaction, emptiness, dissatisfaction, hurt and every emotion feels like; maybe in a different degree when compared to other people because I’ve never been surprised with a range rover or seen someone kill herself or one of those traumatizing scenarios; but I know. I’ve won and I’ve lost, cried and laughed; I’ve been laughed at and I have laughed at. I’ve gone through different tides and waves, battled with different handicaps of my humanity and I am still doing that because I am only human; at least that’s my saving grace. Have you ever wondered if this is really you, walking on your own two feet, thinking, reasoning, touching, feeling; you actually exist in this world, you’re here and people know you are because I do at times and it is an exciting feeling knowing I exist. I don’t


I read something in and it would be selfish of me not to share it. I know this blog seldom talks about anything spiritual but today I'm diverting a little and I'm talking about my awesome God. You see, we shouldn't be bothered about when life troubles try to bring us down because God is there keeping us alive no matter the circumstance and at the same time we shouldn't settle if our life isn't what its supposed to seem, we should know that we can take it to God and key on the words in Romans 8vs 35-3 9 . Back to what I read this morning; here it is God doesn't owe us anything-yet in His grace, He still gives us good things. - Billy Graham ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ He sees the perils that are in our path that we cannot see. He speaks to us in mercy and grace and He builds us up to meet the dangers and be prepared to receive the things we could not wisely use today. There are many things which we can employ tomorrow that


The Oxford Dictionary defines style as a distinctive appearance, typically determined by the principles according to which something is designed.     The Longman English Dictionary defines style as a particular design for fashion. Yeah, they are correct but what really is style according to my perception? Style to me is an outer appearance of your inner personality. Your style defines everything about you. Your style can tell me where you prefer to have your lunch break, where you’ll choose to have a dinner date, your position at work, and every other unanswered questions about you. As Charles Bukowski believes; Style is the answer to everything.  Sure you know the saying; the way you dress is the way you are addressed. Well, this goes beyond the moral concept of it. It goes into the world of style in terms of relation, fashion and persona. Face it, the way you’ll address a lady in black tie high boots and a black dress with dark makeup is different from the way you’ll address a lady


When I was in JSS3, that juvenile with the low cut and very little knowledge about life, we had this mock exam and Mathematics, Math was everyone’s greatest fear. After submitting my answer booklet, I realized few minutes after the exam that I had totally neglected the last number at the back of the question booklet and realized I totally miscalculated a number worth ten marks. I just wanted to pass out and never wake up. My teacher refused to give me my answer booklet, I felt as though my life was completely over………… it passed When I was in SSS2, I had this badass dislocation on my foot courtesy of Jason Derulo that took me in for surgery and cost me the whole of my second term. I missed a lot and thought I wasn’t going to be promoted into SSS3. I had to write my second and third term exam together. I had to read my ass and the little fat I had on me off, I remember always being tired and how probability was a total bitch cause no one ever taught it to me……… passed After school


At times; life can be overwhelming. Let’s face it; we have to struggle to get results. Read to pass an examination, workout to have a great body, persevere and face rejections to make it, breathe and wait when things don’t work out. And at times this struggle messes with our initiative and upturns our regular pattern of thinking. I used to tell someone a while ago; life is simple; people just twist it up and turn it into their own personal devil but someone made me realize that life is not that simple but struggling through it with a calm mind that all is gonna be okay makes it easier. Here’s a true life example of a shipwreck who feels life’s unfair; Ebony .K. Wills. EBONY’S STORY Ebony .K was a young lady with a lot of potentials; she was a passionate artist and a beautiful designer. She was fortunate to be part of a beautiful family, the third of three girls each following each other with nothing more than one year and a few months. Though her father died when her mother was pregna


Okay, to start with first before I get to the bone of contention here, good day ya'll, hope you're having a blessed fulfilled day. Now to the real shit; guys shut up about the sidebitch already. I keep on hearing that everywhere I turn, from every guy's mouth. Even sixteen year olds have side bitches! The apocalypse is really coming very soon. I wonder, every guy wants to feel like they have a side bitch that even those with no jobs, no future ambitions, no life, no money you know the guys in the category of you can see but can't touch claim to have sidebitches too. *Sigh* a taya. Now I'm gonna ask you to do me one favor, take a good look at yourself, have you? Now ask yourself this question; am I sure I'm not the bitch in this relationship? You screw her quite alright and she cooks for you. What else does she offer you? Really. Like talk, sex is cheap this days. It's the 21st century baby. You think some ladies give a shit? Let me ask you one question; w


When I was a little girl, with the naive mind and blinded from all the ugliness and chaos of this life, three things made me happy; food, the rain and my toys. If I got bored by any chance I and my sister would lock ourselves in our room and play house with our dolls Coco and mermaid and some others whose names I really dont remember, And I loved the rain, I wasn't allowed in it but I would sneak out anyway. I got flogged severally for going in it but it didnt stop me every time I felt a little drizzle. Then food, food just got me. I had a terrible sweet tooth; icecream, gummy bears, candies, soda....anything with sugar in it. Then I couldn't reach the cupboard where the Milo beverage was but then I would climb and climb till I got there. Then 15 years past and I grew up, things changed. Do you understand where im coming from guys, you just grow complex and that peace you knew once as a little child just disappears. If it isn't your overbearing relationship, it's your a


I know some people dont respect the dating world. They believe it's a waste of time and currency and girls dont deserve it. I mean why should I waste my money on lunch (I might offer to pay you never can tell) if I can use that to get a quickie at the corner of every club. My brother, you cant continue living like this cause nothing good comes from the corner of every club. Well, this article is for you decent gentlemen. Im here to help you out, make it easy a little for you. Im not promising you anything superb at the end but to save you from getting red wine all over your outfit or having a nagging frowning lady opposite you, these are fifteen first date mistakes you dont wanna make; 1. Do not bring your friend without her consent. You dont know how rude it looks when she walks up to the car and realises she has to move to the back seat. Worse of all she didnt know...Sigh** well it's wrong if common sense doesn't tell you it is. 2.Dont waste her time. Dont stand her up.