The Oxford Dictionary defines style as a distinctive appearance, typically determined by the principles according to which something is designed.  The Longman English Dictionary defines style as a particular design for fashion. Yeah, they are correct but what really is style according to my perception? Style to me is an outer appearance of your inner personality. Your style defines everything about you. Your style can tell me where you prefer to have your lunch break, where you’ll choose to have a dinner date, your position at work, and every other unanswered questions about you. As Charles Bukowski believes; Style is the answer to everything. Sure you know the saying; the way you dress is the way you are addressed. Well, this goes beyond the moral concept of it. It goes into the world of style in terms of relation, fashion and persona. Face it, the way you’ll address a lady in black tie high boots and a black dress with dark makeup is different from the way you’ll address a lady in high waist skirt and a buttoned up designer shirt with heels. So what am I trying to pass across; every lady dresses according to their inner personality. Through a woman’s style; you can tell if she is a control freak, sweetheart, safe player or risk taker. It’s hard to believe but its true it’s like a tracker, your style can’t hide who you are as Yves Saint Lauren says, Fashion fades but style is eternal. So just as Carlous Linnaeus chose the Hierarchal system of classification to classify living organisms based on Kingdom, Phylum and some other features ; I choose this five lower animals or simply characters to classify five types of persona based on style. The Tigress, the Coyote, the Manatee the Otter and the Mamba.
She’s the lady at the top she controls everything around her. Just as her character; The Tigress, which is known for her controlling nature, She is the boss of herself and chooses to not be pushed by anyone. She chooses when and how things should be done and is usually at the peak of wherever she works.   If she not the CEO; She is the MD or the head of one office or the other. Just as her position, she loves to look strong and respected and wants the equal respect she receives at the office. She wants it if she says 
‘I want the table at the window side’                     
At a restaurant, to get the table at the window side. She wants her car parked for her without requesting. She doesn’t want to be mistaken or belittled by anyone and doesn’t want the chance to use that
‘Do you know who I am?’
 Phrase ever. So she dresses it. She does away with casual looks except if she is at home or at the gym and goes for strong domineering looks outside. She prefers the strong, tall, slender looks and therefore wears a lot of heels ranging in design and price even if it requires carrying a flat in her bag. She prefers the buttoned up high collared shirt and pencil skirt look and if she is going for a gown, she prefers it covered up only exposing little if it is going to so she wont to be mistaken for a hooker.  She prefers neutral and dark colors from grey, army green, to black and white. She loves her labels; Armani, Marc Jacobs, Oscar de la Renta, Louis Vuiton, Fendi, Gucci, and Prada to mention a few. She never goes for fake or cheap and her jewels, wristwatch, shoes and bags are always designers. Just like her champagne, she does away with cheap perfume and always smells like a million bucks. Her makeup is always bold she loves the red lipstick and dark eye shadow as it gives her a strong look and at the same time prefers something simple so mixes it up. She is never on synthetic weave on; she prefers the natural looking hair and never goes for big hairs as it sends the wrong message.
Her style represents the freak in control.

Just like her character, she has a bold behavior. She is the risk taker and likes to mix it up believing that one style is boring. Her style believes in bold colors going from bright colors like orange, green, purple to dark emo colors like grey and black. She loves patterns; leopard prints, Dalmatian, polka dots, she believes in diversity and goes for anything in vogue. She has no problem in showing some features without fear. Just like her character the coyote, she adapts to every situation she is in and even if skirts and trousers were banned today she would still find a way to mix it up and look good. She is a survivor. She is the kind of girl that says
‘Let me have that, I’m sure there’s a way to make it look good’
To the attendant when someone drops a pair of boots after second thoughts. She believes that much doesn’t hurt. She is the everyday it girl you meet and that popular girl you hated in high school. Her makeup is bold and she is not afraid to use colors going from the pin up girl look to the dark emo look. She has an intact instinct and that goes a long way in her style. She wears a lot of short wears believing her body is a basic feature which shouldn’t be hidden and walks with a lot of charm and sophistication. She likes being the centre of attraction. She wears the latest accessories prefers big earrings and flattering long hair.  You can’t look at her and not have a second glance because her style screams risk taker. She always looks flashy with the most stylish clothes, coats and shoes. They might not be expensive but they always look good. She knows how to mix it up.
Her style generally represents both Bold and Beautiful

The Otter, a sea creature is known for its brave and playful attitude and its social behavior. This lady is the one with the careless persona going for anything that fits. She is often referred to as the girl next door always smiling and is ready to get down with the boys over video games and some beers. She has no interest with what is in or out and except there is a special occasion, sweat pants and a tank top would do. Her closet is full of customized T-Shirts and jeans trousers. She prefers simple hair dos like braids where there is no need to brush it regularly. Though she has a lot of friends due to her warm attitude, she has a nonchalant attitude always saying the phrase
‘I don’t care’
 Unlike the coyote, he wears less or no makeup at all and doesn’t care about foundations, liners or what brush to use. Through her style you can tell she is no white collared office girl. She doesn’t care about what she eats or how much carbs she takes in. She prefers trousers.  She is lazy and proud and has a strong personality standing on anything she believes in. PS; She is adamant. She has no flair for fashion and just puts on anything that fits. She feels insecure when her features are out and prefers the covered up looks. Her shoes, she prefers flats, Jordan, pastry, divers, all stars, Supra. Generally; she prefers nothing glamorous and hates heels. She’s the normal guy’s best friend. Just like her character she displays an ounce of territoriality and possessiveness.
Her style is careless and playful.

She is gentle, she is safe and nonaggressive. She prefers being under the rock due to her shy nature. She is always quiet and has a warm look. Funny enough she is always the assistant to the tigress since she is the only one that can stand her bosses controlling nature. She is semi social being the good girl in the office and turning the second side when out with her friends at night. She is the sweetheart always ready to have your back and listen when needed.
Her style is safe. She is never over the top like the coyote or the tigress. She goes for simple pencil jeans and tops, simple plain colored co-operate wears and is afraid to mix it up so as not to look loud or weird. She normally says
‘Never mind I’ll just go with my regular’
When her friends try to bring her out of the closet. She doesn’t want to leave her place of safety. He prefers studs, small bangles and necklace. Her shoes are simple and safe. She always plays it safe and Lady Gaga hates her style. She is not exciting and daring at all. Her makeup is plain and simple and unlike the coyote; she believes too much hurts. Her style believes in simplicity just as Henry Wadsworth believes; In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity.
Sixty five percent of the girls in the present world fall in this category. Face it you’ve put on something before and thought it was too much either too short or too flashy or too much cleavage and went for something safer. That is exactly what the Manatee would do.
Her style is simple and safe.

She is the emo we all avoid. She is the total opposite of the Manatee. She displays her dark side on the exterior. She is quiet and scary showing a peaceful but daring look outside waiting to exhibit a fearful display of defense and aggressiveness if stepped on.  Yes, just like her character, she doesn’t strike until she is provoked. Her color is simply black. Black makeup, hair, dress, shoes, accessories and red if she wants to mix it up a little. Sometimes she comes under cover. Just like her character, she is secretive but she can’t hide as her nails, shoe, makeup or one thing or the other exposes her. She hardly smiles and just wants to be alone except if you speak the same language as she does. She has a different view of life which no one understand and just as her character she is shy but tries to use all her characteristics to cover up.
She is mostly into poetry or creative writing as that is the only way she can express herself and the only way her soft side comes out.
 She is a loner so prefers to look like one. Funny enough she’s an interesting person to talk to due to her wide imagination. She cares nothing about labels what is in vogue or out.   Her style doesn’t give a damn what anyone thinks.
Generally, her style is dark.

Coco Chanel believes that Fashion changes but style endures. Yes style endures everything from your inner personality to your outer character adapting to every person and how they choose to express themselves. So which one are you; the strong tigress, the bold coyote, the simple manatee, the nonchalant otter or the dark mamba. I’m sure you discovered your style reading thisJ.


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