Look at yourself this morning; you’re a human right? The fact that you are reading this means your brain is perfectly okay. You can think, you can reason, you can speculate, decide, and contemplate. You are functioning. You might be deaf but your brain isn’t, you might have an amputation but your brain doesn’t. Your brain is okay, your brain functions so you can think. Now think; am I proud of who I am, where I am, what I am doing, am I trying the best to get to where I want to be, am I taking responsibilities for my failures or looking for who to throw the blame on, am I growing or am I just stagnant, am I doing the right things or looking for ways to just live in youthful exuberance, be a juvenile, delinquent in his ways of thinking, am I wasting my time on productive things, am I proud of how people see me, do I read, study, invest, build, sacrifice or do I just look for ways to cut corners, gossip and party, am I wasting my money on the right things, what do I have to show for my twenty one, two, three, four, five, six seven years in life, am I who I want to be. If you think you’ve passed all this questions positively, I am proud of you. But I’m here for those who think they’ve not. You see, life is taking a different dimension in our days. People don’t want to earn or make money, they just wanna get money. We are not in the wilderness anymore so don’t just fold your arms and wait for manna to rain. Even God took the manna away because it was abused by human. That’s what happens when you see free things, you abuse it. Nothing long lasting comes easily, work for what you want. A lot of people are just selling their souls to the devil in desperation for pennies and cents. Ya’ll should download immortal techniques dance with the devil, no one wants to end up like William in that song. But I see a lot of Williams in my days, doing the wrong things just to be ‘comfortable’. Let me ask you this question, the billionaire Bill Gates, did he get money or make money? Are you out of your mind, can’t you see it; the devil gives you one and takes back a million. The equation is never balanced. Why don’t you just work hard because one thing I know is hard work pays eventually. Don’t be one of the ordinaries, sitting around the block with your niggas, whooping and talking about girls you will never bang, hating on one of your goons who isn’t there with you, just opening your basket mouth and spitting out crap. Go into your room, lie down and think of how to make your life a better one because wasting your time isn’t gonna get you to the top. So try doing things differently and think for once. Don’t be a

They watch the stars make it and just give cheers, follow them around, call them their guy. They are the lookers, just watching as people pass them and climb the ladder of success. They just whoop and scream words of praises. Is your name Ginger, did your parent send you into this word to be someone else’s buffer. Aren’t you supposed to be climbing with them or what is wrong with you? Don’t dare be a spectator sitting behind the lines, cheering, dancing, talking, and pulling up your top. Please, dare to be different

Are you the kind of person always ready to throw critics of how to and not to do things while you allow yourself waste away as you do nothing to improve on you? Are you a hater who always see something wrong with what people are doing? Oh that hairstyle makes you look like a toad wearing a wig, are you getting fatter, when you just focused on lipids I knew you were gonna fail that test, I told you, I told you, I told you. Don’t be shallow. Why don’t you live and let live and just focus on you. There are some positive selfishness that is good for the soul. Try to be selfish for your own benefit and not at the detriment of others. Don’t let envy and jealousy make you what you don’t want to be, dare to stand out

So you always have something to say about someone huh? You just sit back and wait for someone to fall so you can criticize, comment, talk, talk, talk. We all know what they say about empty barrels so why don’t you just STFU and do something other than ranting words that won’t get you anywhere. I really am not a fan of people that can sit back and talk about one soul for close to thirty minutes. If you can do that do you seem like you are doing something productive with the one life you got. Why make someone feel important when you can make yourself an important commodity. Why waste away while you can be something. Stop with the loose tongue and work on yourself.

You don’t want to be at the bottom of the food chain, easiest prey, and lowest evolutionary creature. You are not an ant, you are a lion. You’re a lion; you’re big, strong, daring, scary and people give you respect because you are the fucking king of the jungle. So be a;

Be someone people look up to

Someone everyone wants to emulate

Someone who is respected

Someone who stands out

I don’t know how you are going to get there but you know what you have to do to get there. Be better today, change something about you today. Get on your knees and pray for a change because the only person I permit you to be today is a person better than who you were yesterday



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