We all know a good book when we see one. We read the likes of Nora Roberts, Jackie Collins, John Grisham, and Olivia Goldsmith because these people are best selling authors. They have the right eye catching strategies to steal the crowd. They know how to put every message in a nice way and their vocabularies are perfect. They know how to make their fans wanting more at the flip of every page and the reason for this is because, before they start a book. They think, plan, and organize. No one writes a best seller without a plan, magic doesn’t happen in this world we live in. So today January 1st 2015, we are authors. And whether we like it or not, if we want this year to be a good one, we have got to have a plan. We need improvement, we cannot be the same person we were Dec 31st 2014, and we need to hunger to be better than whom we were; a better kind of good, a better kind of enthusiastic, a better kind of successful; a better kind of us. Life is for the hardcore Homo sapiens who...
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