When I was a little girl, with the naive mind and blinded from all the ugliness and chaos of this life, three things made me happy; food, the rain and my toys. If I got bored by any chance I and my sister would lock ourselves in our room and play house with our dolls Coco and mermaid and some others whose names I really dont remember, And I loved the rain, I wasn't allowed in it but I would sneak out anyway. I got flogged severally for going in it but it didnt stop me every time I felt a little drizzle. Then food, food just got me. I had a terrible sweet tooth; icecream, gummy bears, candies, soda....anything with sugar in it. Then I couldn't reach the cupboard where the Milo beverage was but then I would climb and climb till I got there. Then 15 years past and I grew up, things changed. Do you understand where im coming from guys, you just grow complex and that peace you knew once as a little child just disappears. If it isn't your overbearing relationship, it's your annoying boss. If it isn't your relentless alcoholism it's your overachieving love for sex. If it isn't your crying underflourished bank account its your endless duty as a wife. You just grow up and all the worries come in. Now I dont play in the rain anymore because im scared of messing my hair up and everytime I go to get the groceries, I turn to the nutritional value and check the number of calories because no one wants thunder thighs or a double chin in this age and time and toys; I dont do that anymore. In fact I dare not tell anyone im playing with my toy. Eyebrows will be raised because the mind of humans have turned completely perverted. Well Fuck it. We dont even have fun anymore, everyone on the street is sooooooooo angry, dark and twisty; oh dont give beggars money, they'll take your glory, dont share things with people, dont talk to anyone, make sure you get paid before selling. It's like there are no good people anymore. Well few weeks ago I had no weave on then the rain came in and for the first time in a long time I danced in the rain again. Then I sat down with a huge bowl of icecream and decided not to care for the first time in a long time. And it felt good.  I let it all go; the stress, the worry about tomorrow, the pain and troubles and I became a little girl again. I know you might not get it, But we have become so unraveled in worries and problems that the only time we consider ourselves happy is that moment when we smile. How long does that last, while settle for a moment when we can have a lifetime? Is there any day you wake up without a new worry, its all part of growing up right? You turn 20+ and you wanna drink, Fuck, smoke pot, OD, break all the rules just for that moment of a little rush of happiness. How long does that last? So yes lets go back in our mind to that place we once knew as kids. Where we were never far from God and totally far from carnal. Where we were simply happy. Lets all relax and find our peace where we dumped it. Life can't be that hard right? If it's just once we live it there should be more to it right? Nigerians find your fucking peace. I wonder why ya'll are sooooooooo mad. Lets find our peace and happiness readers and leave in it. Wallow in it, swim in it. We all deserve it. We all need it


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