When I was in JSS3, that juvenile with the low cut and very little knowledge about life, we had this mock exam and Mathematics, Math was everyone’s greatest fear. After submitting my answer booklet, I realized few minutes after the exam that I had totally neglected the last number at the back of the question booklet and realized I totally miscalculated a number worth ten marks. I just wanted to pass out and never wake up. My teacher refused to give me my answer booklet, I felt as though my life was completely over………… it passed

When I was in SSS2, I had this badass dislocation on my foot courtesy of Jason Derulo that took me in for surgery and cost me the whole of my second term. I missed a lot and thought I wasn’t going to be promoted into SSS3. I had to write my second and third term exam together. I had to read my ass and the little fat I had on me off, I remember always being tired and how probability was a total bitch cause no one ever taught it to me……… passed

After school, I fell stupid in love with this guy and when we fell apart, I felt I was the next thing to fall apart. I never really looked ahead at tomorrow or one year later. I just wanted things to work my way at that period; how primitive but guess what………….it passed

When I started my University education, I had a rough time picking the right friends. Someway some how I always fell into the hands of the wrong people and almost earned myself some serious trouble but whatever…………… passed

Time has a way of healing things. It may leave a little scar here and there but at least it doesn’t burn anymore, all you have is a reminder that you shouldn’t walk into the fire again. Stop beating yourself up every time you notice the scars, Richard Templar even has it that we grow older but not necessarily wiser. There is a different mistake of a higher degree waiting to be made everyday. Even eighty years olds make mistakes. All we need do is when these mistakes are made, we should learn to work out with our dignity and sanity intact and not fall into the same mistake again. Whatever you are going through right now, be it a hard time or regrets from mistakes; stop torturing yourself and think of how to make you a better person because come one month or more, you’ll be a lot better than you are now. Know this, there are two people you should rely on mostly; God and you. You have to make up your mind to change to give way for progress and uplifting. I’m not gonna wear your shoes so don’t tell me that I should come walk in them. Everyone has a little or a whole lot of something they are going through so you’re not in this struggle alone, people are fighting battles to but the difference between some people and some other people is that they don’t let their problems change them whatever it is; health, finances, family, emotional trauma, addiction; they don’t make them. I’m gonna ask you a question, do you want to ‘exist’ or you want to ‘live’? Don’t get crushed by your challenges instead let them be the diesel to rekindle the fire of your prosperity J

Daily reminder that the exam I didn’t perform well six years ago doesn’t matter anymore

Daily reminder that the stitches from my surgery four years ago aren’t there anymore

Daily reminder that the break up I had two years ago doesn’t matter anymore

Daily reminder that I’ll be fine and so will you.

Like Albert Einstein quoted “we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”

You’ll be okay, just allow yourself to be.


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