C 2014


Mena laid on her bed, her head swimming with different thoughts. In Mena’s first year at University of Lagos, she took Philosophy and Logic. She was thought that the world consisted of three classes of people; the producers, the auxiliaries and the guardian. The guardians were the fortunate population, enjoying wealth and fortune without limitation. Their education emphasized athletic and culture and the goal of their rabbis were to produce brilliant, healthy and courageous young men and women. What they heard or read was censored and their eyes neither saw sorrow, pain or ugliness. They were never told stories of how the poor became rich or the rich became poor and how the poor became poorer and the rich became richer. They walked on the finest of marbles and wore the most precious of jewelries. That was 500BC and you would think such cultures would die with time. But it lives; 2013AC we still have the same problem, the same discrimination and the same unfairness. The rich become richer; their children sinking in wealth so big it could build a nation, locked away from the ugliness and pain of the outside world in fancy estates and neighborhoods, blindfolded from the suffering and poverty existing under their nose, driving the fanciest of cars and wearing the costliest of clothes and living everyday like guardians which they are. While the poor become poorer, crime growing everyday, eating the scraps thrown on the ground, living in slums and unhygienic environments; just like the peasants five hundred years before Christ. History lives so does my generation drowning in abject poverty.
She, Mena Obaitan was born June 23rd 1992; she was brought into this world singlehandedly by her mother. She always told her it was a cold stormy Monday night and her dad was busy at the factory as usual. She was eight months pregnant with her and wasn’t expecting her water to break at that period but it did anyway. She said told her she couldn’t move and the neighbors didn’t respond to her scream so she just sat down in the bathtub and gave birth to her on her own. Ironic coming to the world earlier than planned when there was nothing in it for her maybe there was something but she wasn’t sure because the past twenty one years of her life; the only thing she held on to was poverty, suffering and uncertainty and the only person she relied on was herself. Being the first child with six younger ones behind; five girls and a boy; she was the mother figure they look up to since her mother died two years ago due to internal bleeding and infection while trying to give birth to Naomi the last girl. Though her intelligence, academic excellence and experience in this world proved her capable of raising six young ones, she tended to find herself incapable at times. Her teacher Mr. Odiong always  told her while she was in SSS3 that she had a bright future ahead of her but then she looked at him and got discouraged. He was one of the smartest men she had ever met but he had been stuck in the same position for fifteen years. So what is more; less hope for the future?
‘Mena’ her thought was distracted by Titi her roommate since her first year. She looked at the door and saw her leaning on it dressed in a wine dress and flats. She sat up from her bed and sighed, her head beginning to ache from all the thinking
‘I said no disturbance till the bus driver was in school’ Mena sighed looking at her angrily. She wasn’t ready to leave my bed or go home. The semester break just hit and words came from the head warden that no one was to remain in the hostel after six. She wasn’t ready to go home and start playing big sister again. She knew she would be glad to see Mary, Naomi, Irete, Ono, Osanor and Esheshi but it never lasted. After the first three days, she became aware of the bad food and water, no power supply and the nagging and shouting so this time she was ready to stay and repeat my third year all over again if that was what it took
‘Well that’s why I am here. The bus is here to pick up the third batch’ Titi said walking up to her and dragging me up but she resisted
‘Come on, your dad and mom are waiting to see there pretty lanky skinny daughter’ Titi teased tickling her sides. Mena giggled and slapped her hand away
‘Let’s go with the last batch come on. We can stay with Laitan and Ugo and just joke around why are we running home?’
‘Cause of the good food and our parents you know, Laitan and Ugo left us two batches ago. The only person that is not in haste is you’ Titi interrupted. Mena carried my face away guiltily. Titi squeezed her eyes at her suspiciously then came to sit beside her ‘Is everything okay at home?’ Titi continued
‘Ummh…yes why not’ Mena mumbled but she didn’t sound convincing enough
‘Mena; you have the second best result in the department of pharmacology and you are the most devoted responsible girl I’ve seen. Your parents would be happy to see you why don’t you want to return their favor?
Titi was beginning to get suspicious and if there was something Mena wanted to hide from all her departmental mates was her background. She couldn’t bear being the laughing stock or the heroic story for a group of kids to follow. Mena just wanted to fit right in
‘You know what; you’re right. Let’s go before the bus leaves’ Mena said getting up. She jumped up excited and ran out squealing in excitement. Mena smiled and looked down. Funny enough her poor clothing and low budgeted style didn’t send a message to everyone that thought they had her figured out. In school she had met different kind of people; every specie of human being you never hoped to meet; the backbiters, the know alls, the envious, the kids that just happen to get everything they want and the backstabbers. But she have never met her
 Miguel stood in the veranda idle with the daily edition of the local newspaper folded neatly in his right hand, he observed the crystal vase placed at the centre of the coffee table. He walked up to the table and picked up the vase smiling as it reminded him of how fragile the most precious of things could be. Though polished, cleaned and protected just a little slip and it could shatter into a million pieces ending it forever along with its worth. Vanity was really vanity. But in his world where he was nurtured and brought up for the past twenty three years; nothing was irreplaceable, not a diamond or a sack of gold or even a five million naira crystal vase which appeared to be one of his mom’s favorite. In fact they were going to be replaced for something more authentic, finer and classier. Exactly how his father; Mr. Metieh felt about his workers at Louis and Co Nigeria PLC. He dropped the paper in his hand along with the vase. He was holding on to it for too long and my palms were beginning to get sweaty. 200 WORKERS DISMISSED WITHOUT NOTICE AT LOUISE AND CO was the headline boldly printed in black and white. It was surprising how technology could change everything and a machine, one of his father’s newest additions to his factory could rub a hundred workers off their job irrespective of their long loyal years and service. The man had no feeling; that was the simple logic. He had a stone for a heart if the vacancy for the heart wasn’t completely empty. What kind of man sacked a whole community with no notice whatsoever? Ladies and gentlemen; Mr. Louis Metieh
‘Migi’ he heard his name from downstairs. He sighed in frustration. Just what he dreaded the piercing voice of his mother? All he craved was un-disturbance at that period but he didn’t think Mrs. Valerie Metieh understood that
‘Miguel’ she shouted. Miguel sighed and dragged out a chair to sit down. He refused to answer to any call whatsoever. It was a big house and she was going to have a hell of a hunt looking for him
‘Migi’ he heard a soft voice call me. He smiled; Rose. He turned back and bent to welcome my nine years old sister from school opening his hands for her to run in which she didn’t disappoint to do.
‘How was school?’ Miguel asked her even though he knew the answer was going to be a simple fine
‘Fine’ Rose sang merry go rounding the coffee table. He laughed and looked at her in pride. He had a beautiful sister
‘Mom’s calling you hope you know that’ she said dragging out a chair to sit down too
‘Yes I know. I’m just not answering’ Miguel whispered dragging her chair nearer. She giggled. Don’t tell her you found me_:
‘Too late’ Mrs. Valerie snapped walking into the veranda gracefully. Her hair pinned back neatly and smartly dressed in a bandage dress. Her small physique was a gift Rose inherited even though Miguel wasn’t a fan of little women like his mom. He always had the mentality that little people had the biggest problems. Rose stood up and ran away trying to support her heavy school bag on one shoulder. Miguel sighed and stood up walking towards the small cactus planted in a ancient looking vase 
‘All right mom you’ve found me now what can I do for you?’  Miguel asked removing his wristwatch and swirling it. His mother let out a small smile and walked up to him
‘You look tense’ she said looking up at him and rubbing his shoulders. Miguel sniffed loudly and turned away from his mom
‘I just need to be left alone mom’ he said wearing his wristwatch back. His mother squeezed her forehead. Angry that her son was obviously blowing her off. She sighed and walked up to the chair Miguel had left
‘What is wrong with you Migi?’ she asked in a stern voice. Miguel refused to turn to her nevertheless. To him there was nothing wrong with him; his family had the problem
‘I’m talking to you Miguel. You turn to me when I’m talking to you that is the way I brought you up but recently you have been behaving like a child that wasn’t; picking up an argument with your father storming away like a juvenile are you okay’
‘Mom; dad has no conscience whatsoever’ Miguel snapped in a husky voice finally turning to his mother. ‘For a year and a half he has paid this people with family, responsibilities, needs a half salary. What do you think ten thousand naira would do to their lives? Now he just fires them with no notice whatsoever…….mom’ Mrs. Metieh paused and observed Miguel. His anger was beginning to flare out and she could see it. She scoffed and looked away with a smile on her face. Well that was what she did best no matter the circumstance; put on a smile to hide all the anger waiting to jump out and that smile was needed at that moment to stop herself from biting Miguel’s head off
‘See; you have nothing to say to’ Miguel said throwing his hands up ‘Tell daddy to think and evaluate what he is doing at this moment. Two hundred workers nationwide; that’s a whole lot mom’
‘I know but your father has made his decision Migi. And how are you so sure he isn’t going to pay them’
‘Because I know dad mom’ Miguel interrupted loudly 'I know how ruthless and heartless my father, your husband can be' He paused and looked at her irritably
'Don't you people have a conscience, where do they start from, how do they move on. does your husband really take pleasure in stepping on people's dreams. Mother, because that is what i see. A bully beating people up just cause he can'
'Andrea how dare you allow him talk to you that way' a voice was heard. Miguel looked towards the entrance and saw his father. An angry look on his face as he sized him up. Miguel looked away and folded his arms ready for his dad. he had all the answers and question in his head and this time he was ready for anything. this time his father had to feel sorry, this time....



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