
Showing posts from 2015


Has money always been a determining factor in relationships or it just started in this century; Ladies has it? Yeah most ladies wouldn’t date broke guys, I get it; why date a guy with a few peanuts when there are guys that groom the trees and park the peanuts in sacks and sacks right? Lets go back to the medieval age shall me; lets go to the 1500s.  Ladies, the first daughters to be precise, from poor backgrounds in France will marry rich merchants and royals; the likes of knights and the King’s right hands who can settle their sisters’ dowries so there sisters will be able to get married to wealthy men as well because the tradition was so that men didn’t pay the dowries those days, ladies did.  So yeah! It goes back to that age; people then and now will marry a man because of his money and leave love out of it. Remove sentiments from life right? People who have it all are the ones with no emotions right? Let me ask you a question young ladies; if you have been in a relationship wi


If there’s anything I’ve learnt in life, it’s the fact that the mind of a desperate being is desperately stupid. I can never forget those eight girls; we called them the heroic seven Chastity, Thomasine, Irete; the girl whose father owned a boat, Chika, Abigail, Pelumi, Josephine and Aminat.  I watched them as they raided the first aid box for the things they could use and took over the entrance of the cargo. They all sat and acted like they were up to nothing with Abigail their fearless leader telling them what to do. ‘Thomasine’ Kike called with concern in her voice. Thomasine ignored her. She looked at Abigail who signaled to her not to answer her ‘Ignore Kike’ Abigail said ‘Thomasine, remember what Uju said about being stupid’ Kike persisted ‘I’m not being stupid Kike, you’ll realize that when we come out of this cargo’ ‘There is no coming out of this container’ she interrupted impatiently then growled after ‘Kike please shut your stupid beak’ Chastity shouted ‘Don’t discour


3 The Den as we named it had two opposite windows that gave excess ventilation on the breezy sea irrespective of the fact that we had no thick clothes on. On the shelves above us were packages wrapped in brown papers neatly arranged in rows. Two dim bulbs lightened the place a detachable toilet was at one extreme end. There was no chair or table just a stool at the extreme end where a first aid box was rolled under and a twenty five liter keg was beside filled with water. Nurse Vivian as she introduced herself was the care taker kept to watch us. She was an average sized ladies probably in her thirties. She was dressed in a while nurse uniform and had a cream cardigan on. She was pretty with a bright smile, gap teeth and very soft spoken. To me she was practically the only person that knew how what we were going through at that moment ‘Trust me; I know how you girls feel. Most of you are scared and confused if not all’ she said walking round ‘Most of you have been injured while on yo


2 CONTINUATION I looked at Muna as she slowly woke up. Her left eye had turned black from the hit she got and I could tell that she was hurting. She groaned in pain as she opened her eyes attracting everyone’s attention ‘Shhh….’ I cautioned ‘Muna its okay’ I whispered. She opened her eyes and sighed ‘We’re still on the road?’ ‘Yeah. But I think they stopped twice to refill the tank. God we should get some ice for your eyes; it’s swollen and black’ I said with a squeeze on my face ‘Ice is the least of our problems Tonia’ she mumbled. I moved closer to her and rested my head of her shoulder ‘I know that Tonia; but we’ll be okay, we always are’ Muna looked up as if she could find some answers there ‘What time do you think it is at this moment?’ ‘Its one’ a girl said pointing at Sparrow’s wristwatch. I looked at her, so did Muna and Asher and the other girl whose name I hadn’t gotten yet ‘Hi… I’m Ejiro’ she said with a tomato smile on her face. She was chocolate skinned and obviou


1 CONTINUATION The sound of the car horn alerted me. I stood up and ran to the window. In view was a Toyota; exactly what I expected to see; Slim’s dad’s car ‘Muna’ I yelled walking away from the window. ‘Munachi Nzeribe’ I yelled louder. She ran downstairs with her sandals in her hands. An angry look plastered on her face ‘What is it’ she snapped; walking up to me. I pointed to the window as I sat down to wear my black flats. ‘Oh…. They’re here.’ I nodded in agreements concentrating on my shoe ‘Go keep them company. I’m coming outside to meet you when I’m done with my make up’ I looked at her and scoffed. ‘I’m not going anywhere without you. I don’t like your lanky boyfriend and you know that’ I said in a mocking voice. Muna turned and looked at me ‘Yeah yeah you hate his guts’ ‘And his cockiness. And his face’ I interrupted getting up. Muna looked at me and rolled her eyes. ‘Okay. Wait for me. I’ll rush my make up and we can both go there since you can’t do the one thing I a


2 ‘Tonia’ someone echoed. ‘Antonia’ the echoing continued. I looked up and found myself in the middle of a palm kernel vegetation whose beginning or end I couldn’t determine ‘Antonia’ the echoing continued now more desperately than before. I stood up and began walking to the east side trying to locate the origin of the voice. I was lost; that was the obvious fact but I didn’t understand why, why was I lost? How did I get here? ‘Who are you’ I asked in a bold voice trying to hide my fear but there was no reply just the continuation of the echoing of my name. I turned round at a spot confused. The voice seemed to be coming from nowhere and everywhere ‘What do you want from me?’ I asked ‘Please let me know who you are’ I begged tears rolling down my eyes ‘I’m lost’ I continued. But there was no response; jut my name. finally the voice came to a halt. I stood at a position; totally confused and lost. I decided to start climbing a tree realizing that maybe I could see someone from the t


INVADED 1 September 14th 2008 As Bridget removed her wedding ring and placed it on the dressing table; she cleaned the tears that were about to fall from her eyes. No matter the circumstance she wasn’t going to appear weak in front of her husband. She knew Odiong’s stock in trade was to prey on the weak; she had seen him with his employees. She heard the bathroom door open and observed her husband walk in with his silk towel round his waist ‘I thought you would be asleep by now’ Odiong said walking up to his wife and putting his arms on her shoulder ‘And I thought you would have moved to the guestroom by now but once again Odiong we disappoint each other’ she said with a stainless smile and walked away. Odiong sighed and raised his eyebrow up. not this night he wasn’t ready to pick up an argument with his wife. But Bridget seemed offended by her husband’s nonchalant attitude ‘Any woman Odiong’ she started, raising her voice. ‘You could have had any woman any; Mary, veronica, Moni


I'm like a vampire with a silver heart Anticipating for a release In pain it beats fast In agony and in grieve So don't question when I choose to hate In love, it increases it's pace Untamed, I walk the state In a world where there is no stake I loved, I endured the days No retreat, I said no surrender With faith, I took the ache All for the death for all did falter So I walk ahead with my back Because I can't face the pains in my past Thoughtless, no emotions, I need my peace Because like a vampire with a silver heart, I choose to be


Good day readers, I apologize for the long break, we had some things we need to sort out but we are back fully now. Have you ever heard of the story of Queen Elizabeth the second, they call her the kleptomaniac queen. Does it ring a bell? Queen Elizabeth II was married to George the V.  The English queen got it wrong, instead of loving people and using things, she used people and loved things. She had an emotional lurch of the heart and she hated to pay for anything she saw that she liked. On seeing, the queen simply converted. She would say “I am caressing it with my eyes” but it never stopped there. She was so covetous that she acquired jewels, furniture, Faberge animals, watches, and gold boxes by means of begging to extortion to outright theft. If she saw a piece of jewels she liked. She would hold it up and give it a hungry gaze with a wild smile. She would then indicate appreciating the object been given to her as a gesture or offer to buy it at a ridiculously cheap pri


They say I'm a woman; I bend, I don't break But driving home this evening, I wish I could, life is no piece of cake I got married to Jake, beside a shallow lake, middle east Nigeria We had a three weeks honeymoon afterwards, in USA Virginia Everything seemed like a love song on rewind; no drama, no ache no promises left vague But then things started to change, six years now. Marriage has turned to a sea of hate Did I marry a fake. I'm I being forsaken for goodness sakes I can't last a decade help me. I can't wake everyday and take this ache They say for better for worse, in the day and at night we should hold each other In sickness, in health, in the storm in the rain we should stay together No one thinks of the pain, no one else hears the thunder. No one but me, no not one sees his blunders So I open the door, I see Jake sleeping in his own alcohol I look up for peace, love or help I see none at all I walk to him, pick his coat and adjust his head on


ADA NZERIBE 5:00PM, 15 APRIL 2014 BLOCK C, ROOM 26 No one really understands my life. Schooling in prestige would be one of the most confusing things about me. I am not a privileged child like the rest of the girls in my school. You see, walking the streets of prestige all you see are million dollar bills strolling to classes, the designers wristwatches, bags, tops, shirts, skirts and gowns, the expensive weaves, the designer lip sticks and eye brow fillers, the foreign accents and pin up attitudes and if cars were allowed within the school I wonder what will be expected from prestige student. I, Adaobi Nzeribe as a human lived and grew up in the belly of Lagos state in a two bedroom flat with my mother and my little sister, Uju. Life isn’t rehersal dinners or cocktail parties for me. Life is the hard struggle to put food on the table, see her fees paid and struggle to get paid for some pocket money for me. My mom got pregnant for me out of wedlock to a married man, that was how I


Good morning viewers, we at classicandreal experienced some technical difficulties and we apologize for the late posts. We will try to cover all that you have missed in this few days Growing up, I was always taught that I should be considerate. My mother called it being selfless. If I was walking and I saw a pure water sachet or something on the floor and I wasn’t the one that dropped it, I was supposed to pick it. If I was washing all the dishes in the sink, I was supposed to wash my sister’s dish as well. If I served a meal between I and my sis, my sister picked and vice versa. If my mother got us things, I and my sister took turns in picking. If it was my turn to arrange my room, I had to lay my sister’s bed as well. I had to always consider the second party; the world didn’t always have to revolve around me. It didn’t just have to be about me satisfying myself alone and I grew up with that mentality which as I picture, isn’t suitable for this world that I am in today, in our world


In the animal kingdom, the male is the beautiful creature with the distinctive features to woo the female into mating. The male lizard is the one with the colorful skin and during mating period, it exposes itself in the sun to attract the female, The peacock is the one with the colorful feathers to spread and entice the peahen into mating, the lekking fish Rutilus has elaborate colors in his scale to woo the female into mating, the lion is the one with the mane, the cock is the one with the comb, even the male turkey is the bigger and finer gender. In the animal kingdom, the male species are the one with the attractive features to attract the female into submission. But then we move to the specie called the homo sapiens and nature seems to take an entirely different turn. Ladies take the part of the guys when compared to the lower animal kingdom. They are the ones with the attractive features to attract the males; the curves, the soft features, the tiny voice, the pretty eyes, the smo