In the animal kingdom, the male is the beautiful creature with the distinctive features to woo the female into mating. The male lizard is the one with the colorful skin and during mating period, it exposes itself in the sun to attract the female, The peacock is the one with the colorful feathers to spread and entice the peahen into mating, the lekking fish Rutilus has elaborate colors in his scale to woo the female into mating, the lion is the one with the mane, the cock is the one with the comb, even the male turkey is the bigger and finer gender. In the animal kingdom, the male species are the one with the attractive features to attract the female into submission. But then we move to the specie called the homo sapiens and nature seems to take an entirely different turn. Ladies take the part of the guys when compared to the lower animal kingdom. They are the ones with the attractive features to attract the males; the curves, the soft features, the tiny voice, the pretty eyes, the smooth skin, the softer palms, the low shoulders. We keep our hair they shave theirs, we button down they button up. We are the ones with the advantage they are the ones with the job, we are the ones to be woospected.

What is woospect?

Woo means to try to gain the love of a woman especially in view to marriage and respect is the feeling of deep admiration for someone or something as a result of their abilities or qualities. Therefore woospect is the deep admiration to gain the love of a woman as a result of her qualities

Lol, who am I kidding, does woospect still exist? Not anymore. Woospect is going into extinction unlike the 1700 when chivalry and hats were removed to show respect still existed but welcome to the twenty first century. Now all we have are snapbacks with dumb logos and slanguages that will upturn your tummy. A lot of we ladies have completely lost our woospect in the eyes of men for so many unnecessary reasons. Now guys feel they can do as they please and in this world, its slowly turning to a man’s world. sorry if I sound feminist but I have to be real here, hope you feel me. Ladies need to find their bearings back and stop allowing themselves to be pushed by men. Why are you still living with him if he hits you, why are you still with him if he insults you, why are you still with him if he is an unfaithful son of a bitch, why are you still with him if he’s a bitch and a loser, why are you still with him if he’s not appreciative, why are you still with him if he bluntly refused to get a life and look for a job. See a guy will never compromise; once he catches you cheating, a great deal changes. Why are you still with the undisciplined cheating asshole? There are three main reasons ladies have lost their woospect


From the days of Adam, you remember when God told him, bro you are going to toil the soil and suffer for your products and in sorrow shall thou eat from eat. Till this day, January 5, 2015. There will always be a problem with some girls, some guys and money. Really, I wonder why you complain guys, you are the fucking breadwinner. Well, money has caused a lot of problems between some men and ladies. A lady who solely depends on her man for survival and oxygen will be prone to his disrespect and a lot of his bull because the guy feels she needs him and that in a great way takes away her woospect and his woospect for every other girl. You want your nails done, you go to Jack. You need new undies, you go to Jack. You want to go on a weekend with your girls, you go to Jack. You’re hungry, you go to Jack. You wanna get Jack a birthday gift and still, you go to Jack. My conclusion is, you need Jack, and Jack knows it and Jack will take advantage of the fact that you need him. Ladies, if your man can see that you can survive without him, look pretty without him, eat and breathe and have fun without him; if he sees that to a particular level, if not all the way that without him, you’re good, he’ll respect that and you won’t just resemble a liability in his eyes, you’ll resemble a lady. Women are selling themselves cheap these days that is why some guys think “I will spoil you” is a good pick up line they can use to get a lady. Ladies with their woospect intact aren’t two for one kobo. Don’t sell yourself cheap. Jesus is your almighty and king not Jack, let him know that. Try to get your bearing, be independent and keep your woospect intact.


My mom used to tell me; let him be the goat for all he cares but please be the sheep. She also use to tell me; no guy wants to hear he’s wrong, in his head he’s always right. I agree, one person has to come down for another; two wrongs have never made a right. Even the Bible preaches on submission and I am in total support of the Bible. But please, the Bible also preaches against foolishness and wisdom roams around the street begging us to take her. So I want you to know the kind of men submission is for, submission is for the guys out there who support their ladies, loves, gives her the right amount of attention and care, cautions her when she is going wrong, corrects her, makes her happy. Submission is not for the guy who comes home drunk or overweeded almost every night and then turns into a total nuisance, that guy whose ego is as big as that of an iroko tree, doesn’t know the right words to say and just runs his mouth. No, do away with destructive relationships a lot of girls’ loose value for themselves because the asses they dated in the past made them believe they are not good enough. A lot of bad relationships made them believe they are the ones with the problems. Don’t stay in a problematic relationship because a woman who keeps on going back to the same guy who mistreats her isn’t faithful, she’s weak. Don’t loose your woospect.


A woman is emotional by nature, no doubts I get it, it just depends on the level she can suppress it. Some girls are crazy, some girls are tamed and some girls are in between. Understand something guys, when a woman has sex with a guy on a regular and I am not talking about the girls that do it with everything that walks inside the club every Friday night, oxytocin which is the binding hormone is released and she feels closer to you. Now, self control teaches a woman not to be the wanting one but to be the one that should be wanted. Most of the rules in the book; the rules, teaches ladies to make themselves scarce, mysterious and more desirable by the man because even the rules know how guys think, the rules knows it gets into his head when he seems like he’s wanted. No wonder Taylor said ‘boys only want love if its torture’ they like the challenge. When a guy feels he is needed, he misbehaves and his woospect for you reduces. You call him, he pops his collar, you stop by, leave messages on his IMs, text just to say hi, call him baby by that time his collar is already off and his head is the size of a water melon. So let’s leave the challenge to him, let him chase, let him woo. We are the freaking lizard with the colorful skin, let them come, we are the toads with the deep croaky voice (it’s a metaphor) let them get attracted. Just look pretty and keep doing what you doing but please, leave the challenge to him

Thanks for visiting classicandreal. Come everyday and get a fill of the realest talks you’ll ever read. Have a nice evening, goodnight.


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