Good morning viewers, we at classicandreal experienced some technical difficulties and we apologize for the late posts. We will try to cover all that you have missed in this few days
Growing up, I was always taught that I should be considerate. My mother called it being selfless. If I was walking and I saw a pure water sachet or something on the floor and I wasn’t the one that dropped it, I was supposed to pick it. If I was washing all the dishes in the sink, I was supposed to wash my sister’s dish as well. If I served a meal between I and my sis, my sister picked and vice versa. If my mother got us things, I and my sister took turns in picking. If it was my turn to arrange my room, I had to lay my sister’s bed as well. I had to always consider the second party; the world didn’t always have to revolve around me. It didn’t just have to be about me satisfying myself alone and I grew up with that mentality which as I picture, isn’t suitable for this world that I am in today, in our world today, selfish has become more rampant than selfless and it is affecting us in all the fields. Political, relationship, educational, career and financial most especially. Selfishness is affecting lives and destroying lives gradually. Our political leaders are more interested in swallowing, not eating, swallowing the national cake at the detriment of the entire nation’s growth and development before they walk out of office. A president comes into office and he has up to twelve private jets, segregation comes into place and inflation sky rockets. I’m not here to talk about politics, let’s talk about we as people. Why do friends cheat each other when they do business with each other despite the agreements they had in the beginning? I ask myself if there is anything as real friendship these days or everyone just looks at the benefits. You walk into a family, the maid is dressed in rags, has no piece of meat on her food, isn’t allowed on the dining, isn’t allowed to a mattress, has to fetch her own water, isn’t permitted to use the heater. Bosses in private companies take pleasure in slashing their workers’ salaries while they build houses and acquire properties. Your friend keeps sleeping around with different guys while she comes back to deceive this guy who is eager and ready to give her the world when she knows she won’t be caught dead settling down with him but what the hell, she likes the attention and the benefits. A guy/girl is well aware that he/she has an incurable STD but still goes around having unprotected sex. I am here wondering why some particular class of people decide to please themselves at the expense of other people’s happiness. Being selfless is much easier than being selfish. Let’s try to be considerate when dealing with our fellow humans. Let us ask ourselves, how will I feel if I was treated or cheated this way let’s make use of our conscience, they are not decorations, let’s not think about the way we were treated in the past; what he did, what she did or what they did. Lets try to be selfless as Lana Dalai Lama said “our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you cant help them at least dont hurt them"
Have a nice day and thanks for reading classicandreal. Come back this evening for the continuation of the fiction puzzled.


  1. it's true we live in a world where everyone is selfish , I count my self one of them


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