Has money always been a determining factor in relationships or it just started in this century; Ladies has it? Yeah most ladies wouldn’t date broke guys, I get it; why date a guy with a few peanuts when there are guys that groom the trees and park the peanuts in sacks and sacks right? Lets go back to the medieval age shall me; lets go to the 1500s.  Ladies, the first daughters to be precise, from poor backgrounds in France will marry rich merchants and royals; the likes of knights and the King’s right hands who can settle their sisters’ dowries so there sisters will be able to get married to wealthy men as well because the tradition was so that men didn’t pay the dowries those days, ladies did.  So yeah! It goes back to that age; people then and now will marry a man because of his money and leave love out of it. Remove sentiments from life right? People who have it all are the ones with no emotions right? Let me ask you a question young ladies; if you have been in a relationship with this guy for let’s say…..two years and then this multibillionaire comes up to, you know 62 years old politician, stinking rich, local breed, frail looking but can spend like money has no value. Just imagine such a man comes and asks for your hand in marriage who would you go for; will you stay with your broke boyfriend or you’ll marry the old cargo. Let’s be realistic here, some guys will even advise their girlfriend to go ahead, he’s almost dead after all. But is it supposed to be that way, is money supposed to be a determinant. What happens if the money goes then what; what happens next. You think money can buy you happiness? Marry a rich bully who’ll hit you by any slight chance, you’ll use all your money in the hospital and buying glasses to cover your black and blue eyes. I was watching this movie and a guy; an athlete to be precise hit his girl badly because she drank his juice. Really yeah! She just drank his juice. From my point of view, if I had ten things I like in a guy, riches and wealth will be part of it but it wouldn’t be the reason I’ll stay. What happens if he has it all but is the stingiest man on planet earth? Yeah I’ll rather go for a supportive guy who wouldn’t feel he’s doing me a favor because he reduces my baggage a little. Yeah! I will look at his pocket quite alright because I don’t want a guy who is can’t support me and rather be a burden to me; I want to be making the money in excess and I want the same with him as well. I don’t want fights, low self esteem, inferiority complex, bullying and him cheating on these girls that wear cheap perfume, I want us both to be able to get anything for each other even though we know we can get it for ourselves, I want us both to draw out our credit cards when it’s time to pay the bills, I want us both to be able to split the bills amongst ourselves; I don’t want any gender roles, some man thinking he owns me just because he gives me peanuts and pays the bills or he can treat me like crap, tell me no and disappoint me as he wishes just because he thinks I need him. No, I don’t want that, I want to be his partner, his equal. You see that’s the problem out there, how much is a guy’s worth and how much does he spend on you now you go following him like a little puppy just because you think you can’t get all the beautiful things without him. There is nothing wrong with a guy who can spend on his girl, no problem but if you feel that’s the only reason you are in a relationship; ‘Oh Deji slapped me yesterday and yelled at me in front of his friends today but I’ll stay because there’s this Brazilian hair I saw on display and I need to do my hair so, I’ll just take all his bull and endure’ that’s a wrong way to live sweetheart. You have more potential that what he gives you; you can probably make more if you try. Yes, every guy carries the role of d breadwinner, no doubt. God entrusted it to them. But inasmuch as I as his wife am his responsibility, I want him to have it at the back of his mind that on my own, I’m good financially. So let me ask you ladies, don’t you want that? Don’t you want your own things? Do you wanna be some guy’s puppy that he whistles to when he wants to play or you wanna be a tigress? You see, a tigress decides when she wants to mate or not. If he doesn’t wanna, she’s going to lie on the trunk of a tree and if the tiger wants to mate, he can’t without her consent because the tiger doesn’t own her, she owns her. So baby why are you a puppy? Most of us were given the same opportunities that guys were given; we all went to primary, secondary and universities like they were. We all have talents like they do; gifts and abilities. God didn’t make us dull as them smart, he created us equally in his image and likeness. Yeah we are the softer sex but if we wanna go hardcore we can go hardcore; our hearts can take it, our hearts can take anything. So let’s live without our hands folded like the French girls, waiting for a rich merchant to come change our lives, if he comes; good. If he spends; fine! But please money shouldn’t be a reason you stay, choose something else.


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