
Showing posts from 2013


LADIES, DON'T FALL FOR THIS CARDS In the world of relationships, romance, love, hookups and the likes of this influences always drama because a capital D. you know its sad.... How soooo much energy is put into dumb things the like relationship while someone is yet to invent a car that can work on land, sea and air. see; deliquesce and a colossal waste of time on the wrong things. No wonder we are still under Newton's law and Thomas Edison's invention; nothing new or exciting. well, in a way I'm glad.  I can imagine it was in the time of Lussac, Boyle and Einstein them time.We would be a bunch of wackos {Well the guys} all absorbed in science, no wife or kids trying to make the coming nation's life difficult, invent unreasonable courses like Further Maths and measure the speed of a pendulum bulb or a spinning coin {breathes}..........hopeless. Well not withstanding, all this energy in the world of relationship.......not needed. Take guys for instance; someone t


As I stretched my legs and body smiling with deepest satisfaction like I just won a trophy, I wondered what was making me all happy and rosy. It wasn't the early morning Paris atmosphere or my soft apartment bed; yes I did win a trophy last night and he was in the kitchen humming happily to himself. It all started last night. It was a friday night and I and the girls Mandy 28, married and Mena 25 single. We had been working our butts off with one of the most influential French oil companies and thought it was about time we took the night off. As we entered the loud filled up club my adrenaline kicked up. It was like I just wanted to loosen up and forget I had a big presentation the next day. I looked round; exactly what I needed; a club filled with handsome young french guys. 'I think this is a bad idea' Mandy started with a big frown on her face 'Seriously...Mena did you hear Mandy' I shouted trying to be audible in the noisy club 'Yes I did Quinn....wh
LET’S STOP AND THINK But then again we never stop thinking because deciding to stop thinking is thinking itself so there’s no point telling you to stop and think because that was exactly what you were doing before I sent my request. But screw it let’s stop and think; close our eyes and imagine. Kill the reps nobody is watching you and you’re making a sissy out of yourself. Because we think we have the answers to it all but we get surprise when we search ourselves deep inside and realize we have been trying to make ourselves believe a lie till it looked like the truth. Demi believes there’s just one life to live and no time to waste but the question is; are we living the life we wanted? So ask yourself ·          If the lands became corrupted with nitrogen dioxide or some fancy chemical pollutant  and the only place habitable to man was the sea; which sea would you pick ·          If you had this night to ask just one person five questions and after that everyone you know wou
MY DEAR SAPPHIRE INSERT SURNAME I’m sure you think mom gave you a shitty name but I want you to know that I named you this because to me you’re just like a precious stone; priceless, worth full, beautiful and everything nice. You’re just like an oxide of aluminum. The worries of this world don’t shake you because you’re strong, insoluble and infusible. So don’t hate the name, I named you after one of the rarest precious stones in the world, you should feel worthy. I know one thing; you’ll grow up to be a beautiful young lady; carved like an hourglass, beautiful hair, lovely smile, lovely lips, beautiful nails, bright eyes, lovely skin tone. But in the world we live in sweetie, beauty goes beyond what you have outside. During my time, the movie Lone Ranger was one of the most highly anticipated movies. I mean everyone wanted to see this Disney movie that had the best movie stars from Depp to Armie Hammer. I remember going to the cinema to see this movie with a friend. It was tw
LIFE AS WE KNOW IT I am a lady, 5 ft 8” tall, dark and pleasant. I’ve survived in this world for eighteen years, watched people die and watched people been brought to life, I know what pain, joy, excitement, heartbreak, satisfaction, emptiness, dissatisfaction, hurt and every emotion feels like; maybe in a different degree when compared to other people because I’ve never been surprised with a range rover or seen someone kill herself or one of those traumatizing scenarios; but I know. I’ve won and I’ve lost, cried and laughed; I’ve been laughed at and I have laughed at. I’ve gone through different tides and waves, battled with different handicaps of my humanity and I am still doing that because I am only human; at least that’s my saving grace. Have you ever wondered if this is really you, walking on your own two feet, thinking, reasoning, touching, feeling; you actually exist in this world, you’re here and people know you are because I do at times and it is an exciting feeling know
GUYS; MEET THE CHECKLIST GIRL In Economics, I was thought that the average being is insatiable i.e cannot be satisfied so because of the insatiability we have choice, wants, opportunity cost and scale of preference. We have to make a list of our wants arranging them according to the most preferable make a choice to forego some at the cost of the most important. So I look at an average girl and I remember Economics because we all want Mr. Perfect, prince charming. We all want the best guys. We want him to have a brain like Einstein’s and pull a style like Justin Timberlake or some fancy celebrity, effortlessly handsome, speak four to five foreign languages fluently, body like he was photoshopped, tall, nice, mature, educated, spontaneous, romantic bla bla woof woof to summarize it all we want him to be perfect not one flicker of imperfection. But let’s face it; we are in a world surrounded by imperfection of different dimension. i mean we have eyes and they function and walking on th


Guys, you need to read this specially. Trust me you’ll thank me later this is a write-up that would change your life and make you….i don’t know, girl palatable. Now as a girl, I’m here to betray my kind, spit it all out, tell you those things you do that make us roll our eyes behind your back and go “oh please” or “seriously”. Yeah they are the things that secretly steer our anger while we smile outside and bitch you up inside. Have you ever gone on a date with a babe and you thought everything was going fine but the next day you called and she ignored your calls? What exactly did you do wrong? Exactly, I don’t think you know. Okay here are three babes complaining about their boyfriends. Blaze, Ope and Esther in their room over a bag of chips Esther looks at her phone and hisses Ope: Esther what’s up Esther: (Almost yelling) it’s Patrick ooo. Can you believe that guy is asking me to come over after what happened yesterday? Ope: (confused) really, he can still ask you to come