In the world of relationships, romance, love, hookups and the likes of this influences always drama because a capital D. you know its sad.... How soooo much energy is put into dumb things the like relationship while someone is yet to invent a car that can work on land, sea and air. see; deliquesce and a colossal waste of time on the wrong things. No wonder we are still under Newton's law and Thomas Edison's invention; nothing new or exciting. well, in a way I'm glad.  I can imagine it was in the time of Lussac, Boyle and Einstein them time.We would be a bunch of wackos {Well the guys} all absorbed in science, no wife or kids trying to make the coming nation's life difficult, invent unreasonable courses like Further Maths and measure the speed of a pendulum bulb or a spinning coin {breathes}..........hopeless. Well not withstanding, all this energy in the world of relationship.......not needed. Take guys for instance; someone told me all guys think about is sex. fuck love and candlelight dinners. well i didn't need to be told, some guys can twist things into a different thing in that small head of theirs

Nikki: Shayo please come
Shayo: Well you have to do more that sitting there with your legs crossed to make me come
Nikki: {Mutes}..............Is it what i think you're saying you're saying????

Vivi: Mom came for Benin last night and bought a lot of banana and nuts.....that's what I'll just have for breakfast
Marshal: Really.....Vivi............nuts and banana...this morning.......
Vivi: Yeah.... whats wrong
Marshal: LOL.....never mind

Pauline: I need to go grab a cab quickly
Frank: You know I could start a cab business just for the ladies
Pauline: Just for the ladies?
Frank: Yeah... My slogan would be sit back while I ride you

Twisted and confused minds in this world I tell you and I don't get it especially you guys {Well for starters I'm a babe} They are so strategic. well, some of them. They have a skill for everything even getting a girl while we girls just sit back and look pretty. Well i relate this girl getting to chemistry; In a free radical reaction there is the initiation, termination and conclusion. Same with getting a girl. The initiation is the most reactive stage while the conclusion is the relaxing stage ; i've gotten the girl therefore all work is done.
Either ways, there are three cards you should never fall for as a girl. What are they?

What do i mean?
"You know my last girlfriend just left me without logical reasons. She said something about me not being commited. Then the next week i heard she was in a relationship with this new guy. It hurts because I gave that relationship my all which is rare i mean look at me the only thing i'm commited to is football. And she just took advantage; just like that. I'm just hoping you won't do the same'
'I'm never lucky with girls and at the end of it all i turn to a virus, a flu, a stranger and they end up treating me like the enemy'
Eye rolling.........bla bla woof woof. Please it's all stories and even if it were true their past relationship has nothing to do with you. It all goes with the leave everything in the past talk we never stop hearing about so when they start, change the topic or just rub their back and apologies with a smile before the concluding part of the story.....Or you can just listen for fun, thats what i do. I cant resist a good story :). but dont fall for it. The sympathy card is a common one.

Permit me to say this; at times you are jealous; not because Anne is getting close to Tom or  spending more time with Tom or because Anne lied about her whereabout while you were three rows behind her and Tom at the movies. You might not actually even like this girl or planning to go far. Youre jealous because you are soo spoilt and used to getting things go your way, you know having a smooth uninterrupted game that when someone tries to spoil your paroles...Boom! Youre loosing balance and that gets you angry and jealous cause this girl might actually have a better option leaving you at the loosing end. So   ladies, dont think because he's actually giving this cold shoulders because of this other guy he might actually like you, no. He's a guy and that other guy, he's just a competition and if you fall for the little cute jealousy; too sad. Becauaes at the end of it all, you'll see him and Tom chopping knuckles and chest hitting at the games while you've gotten your ass dumped. I'm a logical being, i analyse and read meanings and I might be wrong, but this is my theory.

Lol...... this is my favorite
'wow it's four and I've been here since twelve, you know I've never done this with any girl before'
'I've never opened the door for any girl before, you better feel special'
'You know after what you did you still got me sitting here with you....if it was any other girl I would be long gone'
'I'm here with you watching tangled while we could be watching Iron Man; you must have one hell of an influence cause I've never done this for any girl'
'See I'm kneeling down, begging you. Two things I've never done for any girl'
And the list goes on and on and on...........They turn every task into a first time for any girl tingy; I'm strolling, eating, breathing, missing the games, cooking, spending.....I've never done that for any girl. I'm being cynical, insecure.....okay maybe your case is different. He may be romeo and you may be juliet whatever. But my question is; why must he always remind you with every oppotunity. Well my advice you're free to feel flattered but don't let it get to your head. I'm sure you didnt expect to be like any other girl so....snap out of it

I know, some if you atm might think i am some heartbroken, deceived girl who is sitting on her bed out of tissue, crying while eating a large bowl of icecream while the notebook is playing, sorry to disappoint I'm just a freelance writer sharing my ideas.....NCIS playing so i gotta go. Have a nice evening and Happy holidays....


  1. Wooww Nene, U'r Fabulous

  2. The sympathy card is hilarious and more hilarious is the fact that it works on some ladies. The sympathy card, if I may opine could come in what I'll shamelessly term 'sub cards'. The sympathy sub-card comes with a 'ball-sy' but eventually feeble attempt at a nasty breed of reverse sometimes goes like ; "you're a nice girl o Nene but hmmmmm, I'm afraid of ladies". The basic idea is to have Nene (sorry ma'am for the use of your name in contexts I guess you don't like) ask "wow, why are you afraid of ladies? Did someone hurt you?", pandora's box is open and he gets to tell you the full story (those instances you wrote under the sympathy card)...this time though, he gets the uncredited credit of not playing the card directly but played it anyway because you asked. Okay, I'll stop talking. Very nice write-up Ms Nene....gotta go, my beer is getting hot. All the best!


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