As I stretched my legs and body smiling with deepest satisfaction like I just won a trophy, I wondered what was making me all happy and rosy. It wasn't the early morning Paris atmosphere or my soft apartment bed; yes I did win a trophy last night and he was in the kitchen humming happily to himself.
It all started last night. It was a friday night and I and the girls Mandy 28, married and Mena 25 single. We had been working our butts off with one of the most influential French oil companies and thought it was about time we took the night off. As we entered the loud filled up club my adrenaline kicked up. It was like I just wanted to loosen up and forget I had a big presentation the next day. I looked round; exactly what I needed; a club filled with handsome young french guys.
'I think this is a bad idea' Mandy started with a big frown on her face
'Seriously...Mena did you hear Mandy' I shouted trying to be audible in the noisy club
'Yes I did Quinn....why can't we just go to a fancy restaurant and have one of those exotic foods while some guy plays a violin and pretend like Queens while they serve us red wine....a club isn't the best idea' she said squeezing her forehead
I sighed loudly; I came to paris with bores
'I'll pass....I'll do that with y fiancé when I come back here.....Come on guys, this is a great idea. Don't look all uptight and puffed up you'll drive the cute guys away an_'
'I'm married remember' Mandy interrupted
'Please you're married not dead' I scoffed
'Mandy comeon...Mena....'
'Quinn; people here are half my age!'
'Mandy you're 28!' I screamed 'Marriage is making you think you're forty something'
She rolled her eyes
'Ok have it your way go to your restaurant and have a la maison or one of those things..I'm staying' I said frustrated
'Quinn we not leaving you. You have a presentation tomorrow' Mandy said
'A la maison is house' Mena said looking at me oddly
'Its by one....I'm staying I'm 25 and can take care of myself besides the restaurant is across the street'
'Okay we'll come get_'
'Don't bother, I know my way home' I interrupted mandy. She looked at Mena
'Okay then' Mena said 'don't get drunk' she continued
' I'll try au revouire' I sang and danced away to the middle of the dance floor. It was an exciting night as I danced with everyone guy and girl alike and to every music hip hop, dance hall, reggae to mention a few. Sooner I became thirsty and headed to the bar
'Campari and coke please' I told the bar man
I heard someone laugh beside me
' You know for a lady with so much life in her I was expecting to hear brandy or whiskey' he said looking directly at me. I looked at him with interest
'I've been watching you since from over here. Never seen someone so full of energy. For a moment I thought you were drunk but it turns out you just wanna have fun' he commented. I smiled. He had a clean accent unlike most people I had been meeting and that was because he wasn't french. He had a latino look, tall, broad chested and casually dressed with rough handsome features
'Sorry I'm sure you must be wondering; I'm Robert' he said stretching out his hand
'Quinn' I said shaking it
'Well I suspect your full name is Roberto' I said smiling advertising my dimple
'You have been stalking me' he said laughing
'Please..I figured It out...latin looks, black hair, white chocolate complexion'
'Hmmm....smart I like that' he said looking directly into my eyes. I carried my face away shyly
'So you obviously don't live here..what are you doing in this part of the world'
'Vacation, family vacation. My mom makes it important that all her children old or young, rich or poor take a time in the year and travel with her to one country or the other with their family' I nodded in understanding
'How bout you...its quite obvious you are not from over here'
'Business trip' I said 'I work with this petrochemical industry and they are planning to go global so I was sent with two other colleagues to you know represent my company'
'Wow that's intense'
'Tell me about it. Presentation tomorrow'
'So what about you'
'Well I'm a chef..own a couple of restaurants in Los angeles and Houston. I just started'
'You're doing well too you know' I said smiling
'So can I get you another drink?' He asked
'Sure' I answered with no hesitation
Before you know it; we were both talking and laughing loudly, half drunk and all over each other. I took interest in him immediately. Exactly what I needed for a little distraction. Soon we were on the dance floor and fro there to my hotel room. Well you know the way the remaining story goes. And there I was the next day smiling to myself 'Hey sleeping beauty' he said coming out of the kitchen bare chested with a plate of whatever that was but it smelt good
'What is in the plate' I asked sitting up
'Soupe à l'oignon gratinée'he said proudly
I laughed
'English please' I said jokingly
'Onion soup' he said non chalantly'but that sounds dramatic' I laughed out
'I ordered it from a nearby restaurant and cooked it a little for you'
' I was wondering because I don't have much ingredients here' I laughed 'or any' I continued
'Hmmm this is amazing' I said mouth filled
'Yeas,swiss cheese, butter,olive oil, white wine, flour and baguette' he said proudly 'I've been doing a little research of french cuisines and this one is just a baby' I smiled as I tried my best to eat this amazing food like a lady. There was a long silence as he allowed me eat the food
'So.....Quinn how long are you gonna be here. I was thinking I could take you out tomorrow'
'I'm going on monday' I said dropping my spoon
'Yeah....look Robert you are a great guy. But we are adults we can't read meaning into this things, they just happen. And last night just happened so how bout we stay friends' I said hoping I put my words together in an intelligent way
' Yeah sure....so what time is your presentation'
'Christ!' I screamed jumping up and making him shiver
'What time is it!' I screamed to him running to my closet
'U..ummh ten twenty two?'
'Ten' I shouted looking at him in surprise
'Twenty two' he added
'No no and it didn't occur to Mena and Mandy to stop by'I said picking up my black suit hurriedly
'Its by twelve right'
'Yes but I have to be there latest by nine' I said wearing my clothe as quickly as I could
'Nice soup by the way' I continued in a hasty voice as I wore my clothe looking at the confused man who was still sitting on the bed
'I enjoyed this and you were amazing' I said as I brushed my hair out
'T...thanks whow....you were_'
My business card is on the kitchen table in case you wanna reach me' I said running out slamming the door beside me loudly. Immediately I got downstairs I took the first cab I saw.

I was sooo angry with Mena and Mandy I made up my mind not to speak with any of them that day. My big presentation and they decided to bail on me?. I itched my lips. why did I feel like I was having blisters. I felt like my lips were about to fall off but I ignored it As I came down from the cab I saw Mena in a grey suit with two cups of coffee
'Quinn!' She squealed dancing towards me
' I could have tickled you but my hands are filled!'.
'Don't talk to me' I said storming into the building hurriedly
'Why, did I do something wrong'
'You two bailed on me on the day of my presentation'
Well we could have come to get you if you didn't enter with Mr PeutoRico last night' she teased nudging me I looked at her with a sheepish smile
'How was he'
'Don't ask me for that kind of detail' she gave me a sad look. I sighed and then rolled my eyes
'He cooked for me' I finally said
'Hmmm' she said winking at me
'Quinn...how much did you kiss that guy' she asked with a weird look on her face
'Not much why?'
'Your lips look swollen' she said I felt my heart skip I had been resisting the urge to itch it
'One hour to your presentation' she said but I wasn't listening, everyone that passed gave me a weird look, some even laughed and I was beginning to see my lips, were they swelling up?
I sighted Mandy from a distance. She was in a red pencil skirt and white button up top
'Whow! Quinn' she shouted with a horrified look on her face as soon as she was close by
'They've gotten bigger' Mena added with a terrified look
'Your lips are like four of joli's own put together' she screamed I ran to the bathroom and looked at the mirror. I almost had a heart attack what was on my mouth. My lips were hug. A lady came out of the toilet and screamed on seeing me. One of my lips was like a folded fist. It was that bad. I tried touching it and it gave me the sharpest pinch ever. Soon, Mena and Mandy came in
'God its getting bigger'
'Please can you two shut up especially you Mena'
I sounded more like 'Pwease carn you twu shurrup eshpecially you Merra' Mandy held her laughter
'God I'm toast' I said
'Well we must go and see a doctor' Mandy said
'No I have a presentation soon' I said almost in tears
'You are not going to enter a board meeting with your mouth looking like that. How are you going to speak'
'What did Peuto Rico do to you'
'I don't know' I wailed throwing my hands up. I looked at Mena who was still looking at me horrified
'You said he cooked for you right'
'He got me breakfast from a nearby resturant and warmed it'
'Yes! That is it you are reacting to something' Mandy said
'Come on Quinn you need to see a doctor you have 30 minutes left to get rid of this allergy'
'Okay' I sobbed
'Come on don't cry'
'Why shouldn't I?! The fact of our company is in my hands and I have an allergy because I went home with Roberto and he cooked me Soupe à l'oignon Gratinée'
'What is that' Mena asked with a clueless look
'Onion soup' I said Mandy burst
into laughter
'Well you could have just come to the pizza shack with us' Mandy said with a mocking look
'Can we go to the doctor' I asked angrily picking up my bag
'Okay'Mena said as she rushed to the door
'Mena you have to cover me'
'Oh'she said confusenly and ran towards me
We got to the hospital fifteen minutes later. The doctor gave me a worried look then cleared his throat
'Do you remember the ingredients you used to cook the food or the restaurant?' He asked in his exotic french accent
'What?' I said perplexed
'This is obviously a food allergy. Your lips are swelling soon your cheeks would start. Before I can prescribe anything for you I have to know what you ate' Men and Mandy looked at me for some answers
'Don't look at me like that I don't remember'
'And the resturant'
' I don't know Mandy'
'Well there's gotta be something'
'He said something about swiss cheese, butter and baguette_:'
'Baguette that's it!' Mena screamed I looked at her cluelessly
'Come on Quinn that's that french roll sprinkled with mustard seed!'
'Mustard seed! I react to that but not_:'
' I guess its the mustard seed' mandy said
'Well you better know what yoiu eat young lady' the doctor said writing some things down
'Okay....so can you write me a prescription now' I asked in a worried tune
'Okay....this drugs work like magic and after a few hours you'll be good as new' I gasped in suprise
'No doctor I have 30 minutes to a presentation can't you do something better'
'Yea can't you just use a needle and punture it' Mandy added
The doctor looked at her then ignored her
'What it was a good idea'
I started sobbing again
'I'm gonna get sacked' I cried
'Stop crying Quinn you look like a hippo'
'This isn't funny Mandy'
'Well you should have followed us to the pizza shack' she added Mena rolled her eyes
'What do we do now Mandy you are a public relations officer ironically and Mena you're just new in all this'
'I'm new not inexperienced' she said smiling
'No this is a big risk'
'Says your big mouth' she added rudely 'come on; I'll take it. The slides are there already and I've seen you practise this a million time'
'You sure' Mandy asked
'Do you have a better idea?' Mena said
Mandy looked at me scornfully
'Na ah' she said
'Okay ladies give this to the chemist at the counter outside and pay to him. Thank you' the doctor said dismissing us
'Okay let's go and get ready Mandy. While Quinn goes home and takes a rest' Mena said smiling
'Thanks Mena' I said hugging her
'Come on Quinn give me a peck' Mandy joked I walked out without saying a word

Well you know how it ends, Mena took the presentation and we went back to Nigeria with the approval I needed. I didn't loose my job and I and Robert still talk from time to time. And Mandy, Mandy is still the same old her back to her family and kid. So much for a french business trip


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