I’m sure you think mom gave you a shitty name but I want you to know that I named you this because to me you’re just like a precious stone; priceless, worth full, beautiful and everything nice. You’re just like an oxide of aluminum. The worries of this world don’t shake you because you’re strong, insoluble and infusible. So don’t hate the name, I named you after one of the rarest precious stones in the world, you should feel worthy.
I know one thing; you’ll grow up to be a beautiful young lady; carved like an hourglass, beautiful hair, lovely smile, lovely lips, beautiful nails, bright eyes, lovely skin tone. But in the world we live in sweetie, beauty goes beyond what you have outside. During my time, the movie Lone Ranger was one of the most highly anticipated movies. I mean everyone wanted to see this Disney movie that had the best movie stars from Depp to Armie Hammer. I remember going to the cinema to see this movie with a friend. It was two hours fifteen minutes of bullshit and the worse part of it that the theatre we were in was filled up; everyone wanted to see it. Soon, the highly anticipated movie moved from ‘oh this movie will be something else’ to ‘the movie’s crap don’t waste your time or money’ that’s how it is with humans, you don’t just want to be a beautiful cover; it wont last. People may admire you but on getting to know you turn their nose away. You want to be beautiful and authentic inside and outside. That way you won’t just be a pretty face, you’ll be a lot more than that. But you see character isn’t built in a day Sapphire. Trust me it’s easier to be badly behaved because you can just do shit. In this life; it’s a no pain no gain regime all the way. Self control and discipline with the fear of God gets you through. Mom’s gonna give you five wise sayings you should know
·         Ladies are to be seen not heard: Never be lousy it gives a girl a bad label
·         Never let the fear of striking out, stop you from playing the game
·         Life is what you make it and a chance is like a picture it’ll be nice if you take it.
·         Really; screwed is the man who walketh in the counsel of the ungodly, standeth in the way of sinners and sitteth in the seat of the scornful
·         Never ask yourself; who am I to be successful, gorgeous, talented and beautiful. Ask yourself; who am I not to be

Life is really what we make of it. And trust me, life is no piece of cake; it’s a hard knock life we’re in where if you don’t read for a paper; you’ll fail beautifully, if you take comfort in being a glutton; you’ll end up looking like a hippo, if you sleep all day with no work; you’re gonna turn to the biggest joke and if you decide to be rude to everyone; you’re gonna end up with a bad reputation. Life is one step at a time with wisdom and diplomacy.
Don’t let your emotions control your brain or your decisions. Trust me they’re going to be a lot of chances in sacks where you just want to cry or do something stupid; an unfair score, a bad test, a misjudgment, me pressing your buttons, your dad freezing your allowance to punish you (whoever he is if he isn’t an anonymous from a sperm bank in Mexico or the Bahamas). But crying and throwing tantrums is just gonna make you look like a mess. The only public place you’re permitted to cry is at a funeral. Apart from that; do it on your pillow baby. I mean cry. Be the only one that sees your tears while you put on a bold face outside. Tears have a way of tagging weakness on you and trust me you don’t want that

Crave discipline. Push yourself and do the most uncomfortable task that will benefit you. I’m not going to be one of those parents that claimed to be the first and outstanding in their class every year. I mean that’s what my mom told me and I know she hates Math like no mans business and all the algebra, vector thingy, but I’m going to tell you this; there are times I stood out and it was courtesy of me denying myself certain pleasures to get results. Trust me no one wants to be associated with an undisciplined, unserious being. Love it because the only work you’ll regret you ever did is the one you never did. Experience isn’t the best teacher baby, no. Wisdom is. You don’t have to put your hand in the fire to know it burns, no. the intensity of the heat will tell you this will hurt as fuck. So take little signals and warnings seriously; if something doesn’t feel right don’t do it.

Yeah about boys; I’m not going to tell you to push them away or shoo them. I’m not gonna ship you to the convent either or tell you if a guy touches you, you’ll get pregos. There’s nothing significant about them just that they’re the opposite sex that’s all; you’re a girl he’s a guy. Nevertheless they’re humans that you can interact with and laugh with. Not withstanding; you’re going to get to a stage when puberty is going to hit you, you’ll be pumped with estrogen and you’re gonna be prone to crushes, feelings and all those lovey dovey stuffs. But be smart; if your guts tells you don’t go into something, don’t. it’s not about taking chances, it’s about using your head. You don’t want to be any guy’s alternative, toy, in the meantime, back up plan, hey I’m bored you wanna hook up girl, distraction, exciting evening, or coping mechanism. You don’t want to be the cocaine a guy only picks up when he’s tense and needs to relax but knows it’s bad for him to hold on to. No; you’re much more than that. You’re the kind of girl that makes a guy take his eyes from other girls because there’s no point looking any further. You’re the kind of girl that gives Casanova a conscience. Same thing with you; don’t use people for any reason if you know your heart isn’t in something don’t go all the way or give false hope. There’s something I call the morning effect; if you wake up and feel wrong about something like your whole guts and mind feels irritated and makes you feel bad; knows there’s no point; it’s not meant to happen cause in the morning, everything is fresh and that’s when you can determine what’s right and what’s not the most. Always have a boundary, don’t always give guys a chance. Boys are opportunist; they take the chances they are opened to. Never play friends with benefit. Except if you’re an igneous rock I don’t think there’s a way you’ll constantly screw a guy without developing feelings for him and I don’t think there’s a way a guy will be constantly screwed without telling his guy who would tell their guy and it goes on and goes into a big bag of bull and chaos so to round the matter up; don’t screw anybody please.

Okay finally; never let people push you around. The best way to handle a bitch is to be a bitch. It’s the whole Rome Romans mentality. Let her know you’re not in for her shit before she takes advantage. Once she snaps at you, don’t just snap back, show her you have claws too. But never fight with anyone especially a guy. There’s no sugar coating this he’s gonna beat you so bad….you’re gonna develop boobs in the wrong places. They say if you wanna know a man’s behavior look at his friends. So keep good friends, the ones that will make you a better person not mar you. Jealous friends will criticize everything about you, bad friends will stab you in the back severally, users will just keep on taking and taking and taking from you and leave you when you have none, but true friends; they’re gonna be the one that will always stand by you no matter how awkward the situation gets, the one’s you reconcile with no record of an apology, the one you feel comfortable to do the weirdest thing in front of and don’t feel ashamed or uncomfortable the ones that make you stronger and pull you away when you try to make a fool of yourself. Shawn the envious and the gossips; never take them seriously. They’re just howling wolves nothing more. Things are going to go against your plans at times and at times it’s going to be against your own advantage but never give up when things don’t go your way. Problems don’t last that’s why I call them challenges; they make you stronger. Just let the tough get going when the going gets tough and if you’re about to do something extremely stupid, think; how would I feel if I found my own daughter doing this. Be the girl after God’s heart. Thank him for everything even little sorrows.
I love you Pooh bear
Yours Truly



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