Unpopular Opinions of a Hopeless Romantic

We have to admit, relationship, love and romance isn't what it used to be.

Let us go back to the 20th century, our parent's times, where intentions were as clear as crystal and values were as respected as the oldest man in a family meeting. Men always went out of their ways to make women feel...special. Before any outings, permissions had to be taken from the lady's parents and the woman had to be brought back home before the sun began to set. Kisses were suspended to the 5th date. And sex....the guy would almost be as old as Metuselah before that even happened. Chivalry was always practiced, women were mostly the ones to raise their voice in an argument, "yanga" was still in vogue. Basically, it was a woman's world then!

Hmmm am I meant to be a 90s child or Angel Gabriel just forgot to plant me in the 80s and postponed it to the 90s, you know; just the way he has been postponing blowing the trumpet?

Well, then we come to our beloved 21st century, the century we all are stuck in. Where natural occurrence of nature; you know, the one were the man chases the woman just the way it is done in the animal kingdom has been upturned in the world of humans. Now women chase men, if some men practice chivalry they are considered sissies, some men only believe that women are objects they can buy with a couple of change at the bottom of their pocket and some women do the MOST to keep these caliber of men. You know, I read one comment on Instagram on some Plastic surgeons guy's page and the man said something like "Don't go and do plastic surgery (You know the ones that make you look like the leader of the sugar ant colony) they will soon snatch your husband" The audacity of these myopic minded men!

My question now is' how did things change so fast? Is there still hope for all the single ladies out there that want a GOOD MAN? My answer; yes! There is. Inasmuch as the above explained caliber of men exist and a good man is hard to find; a good man with values and regard for the upbringing he was offered as a child still exist

Here are some tips on how to place yourself in a position to accommodate and finally end up with a good man
  • Be a product of yourself: Smile, be confident, do your hair nice, smell like lavender and roses, look good in your lingerie, laugh to your heart content and don't take shit from nobody
  • Do not Ignore the early red lights: Once he starts showing some signs of a fuckboy, don't go ahead thinking you're overeating, throw him in the friend zone immediately, most of the times, these gut feelings we have are always right
  • Do not go to a guy's place on the First date: Simple as ABC, 123, DO RE MI
  • Don't be an attachment Barbie: Do not be always needy, available and don't always chat him first
  • Understand when a guy is an asshole and let the ass gallop away: Do not entertain egocentric nuisance. Why settle for less when you can have more?
  • Last but not the least, you're number 1: You are your first priority, you are the first item on your scale of preference that makes you the most important entity in this world, treat yourself like that

Ojor Nneka 


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