We all know a good book when we see one. We read the likes of Nora Roberts, Jackie Collins, John Grisham, and Olivia Goldsmith because these people are best selling authors. They have the right eye catching strategies to steal the crowd. They know how to put every message in a nice way and their vocabularies are perfect. They know how to make their fans wanting more at the flip of every page and the reason for this is because, before they start a book. They think, plan, and organize. No one writes a best seller without a plan, magic doesn’t happen in this world we live in.

So today January 1st 2015, we are authors. And whether we like it or not, if we want this year to be a good one, we have got to have a plan. We need improvement, we cannot be the same person we were Dec 31st 2014, and we need to hunger to be better than whom we were; a better kind of good, a better kind of enthusiastic, a better kind of successful; a better kind of us. Life is for the hardcore Homo sapiens who refuse to be lazy and soften up but decide to be adamant and fight till they get to the position they want to be. So what are you; part of the 90% masses that don’t want change or don’t keep to their plan, or part of the 10% elites that aim for every day improvement. This is a new page of your life, its it, it it’s the time. We should admit that we are not where we wanna be, the wants of man is insatiable even for those at the peak of their lives, so we shouldn’t get comfortable with where we are. We need to rewrite our life even if it seems impossible, we can always rewrite our lives. So, today we are authors. Are we going to write a shitty, dump me at the back of your shelf, dead book, or we are going to write bestsellers? It’s your choice and definitely your life. But we all know that for some of us, when we think of the next ten years, we dread the average life. We don’t wanna live from hand to mouth, we don’t want to struggle to take care of the rents or the kid’s tuitions, we don’t want to sit at home and wash dishes during the holidays, we want the good life. So what’s it gonna be. Here are some tips to help you to a better 2015


A best selling author Richard Templar quoted in his book; the rules of life

‘We grow older but not wiser’

This means the fact that we are older, doesn’t mean we’ll stop making mistakes; it means we’ll start making bigger ones. We shouldn’t beat ourselves because we fu*ked up, we should learn from them. Forget the mistakes of 2K14; it’s gone with the year. Whatever it was, however big it was, whatever it took from you, your money, your health; it’s gone with the year. Be wise and learn from them. Refuse to be a scapegoat again. You can have a better year but you have to let go of things in the past that was wrong and give way for the right things in your life. We have a limited time on earth


Discipline matters a lot in life, it’s called self control. With the money, the blokes, the ladies and all the distractions, we tend to get carried away. So we need a scale of preference, we need to know what counts in our lives and what doesn’t. That’s how business men succeed, they know at the primitive stage, investing all their income into production matters rather than the labels and gadget. All those will come later when they are at the peak. What do you think are the most important things you need this year and the least important. Draw the scale and follow it.


Pain is part of life believe it or not. Take a needle, prick yourself, what do you feel; pain. Its part of this hard knock life, if it wasn’t, the part of our brains that respond to pain wouldn’t exist. The part that responds to anger, ache, sadness, depression wouldn’t be there. So, no matter what bullsh** life gives you, no matter how pained you are, f*ck it and be happy. It’s life. Don’t let pain deafen your dreams and kill your joy. Don’t let it drill your soul and change your mindset. Don’t be weak to allow anger cave you, be happy. Learn to laugh giggle, whoop, squeal, and smile and make all the good healthy noises. A merry heart doet good like medicine. Know that everything we do in this life is all for the pursuit of happiness. Happiness is something a lot of us work hard not to experience when it’s right in front us and still, we search for it. How ironic can life be for some people. We all have choices in this life. There is an opposite of every word; for wealth, poverty. Joy, sadness. Gain, loss. Let’s choose wisely

Lastly let’s learn to work and pray. Let’s learn to make the days of our lives the best of our lives. Let’s know that we do not grow younger and that is a scary thing. The past was a second ago, the present is the second you are in now and the future is the one coming. let’s make our present better so we can have the best future we want. Happy New Year. Have the times of your life

Ojor Nneka Stephanie


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