
Showing posts from April, 2014


1   September 14th 2008 As Bridget removed her wedding ring and placed it on the dressing table; she cleaned the tears that were about to fall from her eyes. No matter the circumstance she wasn’t going to appear weak in front of her husband. She knew Odiong’s stock in trade was to prey on the weak; she had seen him with his employees. She heard the bathroom door open and observed her husband walk in with his silk towel round his waist ‘I thought you would be asleep by now’ Odiong said walking up to his wife and putting his arms on her shoulder ‘And I thought you would have moved to the guestroom by now but once again Odiong we disappoint each other’ she said with a stainless smile and walked away. Odiong sighed and raised his eyebrow up. not this night he wasn’t ready to pick up an argument with his wife. But Bridget seemed offended by her husband’s nonchalant attitude ‘Any woman Odiong’ she started, raising her voice. ‘You could have had any woman any; Mary, veronica, M


According to Elizabeth Kubler Ross, a Swiss American Psychiatrist after a devastating incidence we go through five stages of grief. We go though DENIAL We try to make ourselves believe that this is not happening to us, we were careful, played our cards right. We deny, we try to close our eyes to the obvious but then nothing disappears and we get ANGER We fall into rage. Why is this happening to me. I don't deserve it. we put the blame on everyone and get mad at everything. but nothing seems to go away still then we BARGAIN If only we could give everything to make this go away. Go back one more day and try to fix things, sell anything just for a second chance. It's never that easy you realise then we fall into DEPRESSION We realise nothing can really be done about the past, then we wallow in self pity, take whatever substance to numb the pain trying to make yourself pay for everything that has happened. Realising how many things could actually be different. Then finally yo


Happy new month guys. No really I don't give a shit bout how you feel today the fact is you're alive period and when there's life there's hope. Plus your case could've been worse but fuck it you're alive. God kept you so you should be grateful. For one reason; if you are based in ibadan at this moment you'll know things are going crazy and people are being kidnapped and murdered for occult reasons and if you're in this old city and you're reading this that means you're not one of them. So.....happy New months Ever heard of the story of Picasso Pablo and Marie Therese. Mary Therese was seventeen when forty five years old  Picasso met her in Paris and she fell in love  with him even though he was married. They started a secret love affair which lasted a while till she got pregnant and Picasso's wife found out about it. This made Picasso's wife, Olga leave him but he never settled down with Marie Therese because he never really loved her, h