According to Elizabeth Kubler Ross, a Swiss American Psychiatrist after a devastating incidence we go through five stages of grief. We go though

DENIAL We try to make ourselves believe that this is not happening to us, we were careful, played our cards right. We deny, we try to close our eyes to the obvious but then nothing disappears and we get

ANGER We fall into rage. Why is this happening to me. I don't deserve it. we put the blame on everyone and get mad at everything. but nothing seems to go away still then we

BARGAIN If only we could give everything to make this go away. Go back one more day and try to fix things, sell anything just for a second chance. It's never that easy you realise then we fall into

DEPRESSION We realise nothing can really be done about the past, then we wallow in self pity, take whatever substance to numb the pain trying to make yourself pay for everything that has happened. Realising how many things could actually be different. Then finally you

ACCEPT What has be done has been done. You can't change the past but you have tomorrow. You have to get up. You just have to cause depression doesn't cure anything but acceptance does. And people, even the ones that love you will leave if they realize no change. So you accept. You move on.

Sometimes we ask ourselves the why me question and we compare ourselves with people having exactly what we want so desperately. The truth is our life has been documented to give us exactly what we want. I'm a writer for a reason I'm still figuring out. But what happens if I go through a devastating experience, fall into depression and never fall into acceptance? My course is gone. We need to accept that we can't change the past and move on. Lifes too good to wallow in self pity there's money to be made and happiness to experience. So when you are about to fall into depression know that no one is looking at you, get back on your feet and live. Because living to me is not just surviving on food and nutrients is making something out of the one chance of a life that we have. I think we are watching too much vampire diaries where someone can't die cause of a stupid ring and its actually possible, all we need to do is get to mystic falls and look for bonnie. The fact is there's no such thing as a second life so let's all snap out of it. So we need to make a choice because everyone falls into depression but not everyone falls into acceptance. So lets not be afraid to dream, not dwell in the past and live in the future but get on life cause It's whooshing past. So I live you with a quote by Elizabeth Kubler Ross; 'Live, so you don't have to look back and say God how I wasted this life'

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