Happy new month guys. No really I don't give a shit bout how you feel today the fact is you're alive period and when there's life there's hope. Plus your case could've been worse but fuck it you're alive. God kept you so you should be grateful. For one reason; if you are based in ibadan at this moment you'll know things are going crazy and people are being kidnapped and murdered for occult reasons and if you're in this old city and you're reading this that means you're not one of them. So.....happy New months

Ever heard of the story of Picasso Pablo and Marie Therese. Mary Therese was seventeen when forty five years old  Picasso met her in Paris and she fell in love  with him even though he was married. They started a secret love affair which lasted a while till she got pregnant and Picasso's wife found out about it. This made Picasso's wife, Olga leave him but he never settled down with Marie Therese because he never really loved her, he just saw her as a symbol of sex. Picasso went ahead to have affairs with other women leaving Marie Therese for a woman named Dora Marr. He never wanted to stay with Marie cause as she grew older the lust went with her youth but she never stopped loving Picasso. Four years after Picasso's death she hung herself. The girl died of a broken heart. Picasso did a painting of her; Le Reve.
Le Reve, or “The Dream”, is said to have been painted in just one afternoon. With simplistic lines and brash colors, the painting is representative of how Picasso saw Marie-Thérèse; as an object of sex. Not an equal, not a life partner, not a wife, not even as a friend, but a plaything, a source of sexual arousal and gratification for the middle-aged artist. She never meant more than that to Picasso and things ended badly. Yeah she wasn't prepared and had an ugly ending. Face it she knew things weren't going to end well. I mean the dude was married and at that time and age divorces were not popular and rarely head of so what was she really expecting and at the end she died of a broken heart. So whenever you want to make a decision about something in life whatever it is make a chat of the good bad and the ugly and get your mind prepared. You don't want any surprises. We Christians call it challenges it happens no one is above challenges this things, they happen. We just pray they don't happen to us. But you don't wanna be hit when you're not looking. That way you fall harder because you have no defense mechanism whatsoever. Back in my Junior secondary years while I was still taking Business studies, I was taught that everything that has advantages has disadvantages. An open office makes work movement fluid but there's no privacy in an open office. A sole proprietor has all the profit to himself but he also has all the work load to himself. A public limited company has multiple funding opportunities but carry a high rate of corruption. So what I'm saying here is nothing is all fairytale lovely here, no. There's always a possibility that bad and ugly might happen. Most of my readers are at their youths probably between the ages of seventeen and twenty seven so this writeup is basically for you. Today take this with you; whatever your decision about your sex life is I really don't care

»I'll have sex with anyone that looks pretty
»I'll have sex with just that one guy I'm dating
»Friends with benefits
»Just have sex with anyone period
»Virgin till marriage
»Virgin till I meet someone good enough
»Virgin till I've dated someone good enough for a considerable period
»Constantly having sex with someone that is very married

My advice is get your mind prepared for everything. Shit happens. It's just life as we know it. For FWB there's a possibility that you might fall in love and the other person might not that way you know you shouldn't have sex with your heart involved. For a virgin there's a possibility that he might have sex and disappear into thin air but so what? Life goes on. For someone who has sex with anything pretty, you might finally meet someone youre really into but *tsk* you had sex casual sex a long time ago with his potential best man (this isn't Nigerian film this things happen). For someone who decides to be with just one partner he might decide to leave you after a looong time because......why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. For that girl who decides to remain a virgin till marriage you might meet the perfect guy but he's the type that doesn't like virgins cause ugh! Dating a virgin is just too much stress. My point; shit happens prepare yourself for the unexpected because life is a Bitch. Yeaaaa, you meet a bitch and she might not like you cause you're a jerk and you deserve it, but might like someone who doesn't give a crap about her, like another cause of the way he treats her nicely and hates someone who treats her well. That's life. And I'm not just talking relationship boy girl blah blah woof woof here; I'm talking about life generally. Before you go into anything brace yourself like a soldier for the worse so even if you fall, you would have some shield to prevent life time scares. Thank you for reading and have a beautiful April......:)


  1. I really like your write up and you're somehow right. I'd like to say some people are very emotional no matter how well they prepare them self for the worse when shit happens it get to them and it could be worse, so its all depends on our individuality and we are not the same and you can't expect what works for someone to works for everyone. People will always have different ways of handling situation, that's what i have to say.
    Thank you.


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