
Showing posts from February, 2014


Let me start this write up by clarifying one fact; I'm a girl. Yes some people still doubt it, I'm confused....still confused. But I'm a girl with the boobs, the behind, the snappy attitude and the unneeded drama. Yep! I'm a babe. So believe me when I say girls are not simple. We are complex beings while you guys are easy going beings. Imagine this scenario; a guy probably in his mid twenties asks a girl out (probably in her early/ mid twenties too) she agrees and well they decide to hang out you know go to some fancy eatery, cinema or somewhere somewhere (in some cases the guy's place which clearly I don't get) so the date's in progress and the girl is thinking..hmmm he's cute. Nice laugh, wow he has a sense of humor, nice company, good height. We could start something and we could go far and we could start figuring something together. He seems like that kind of guy. But the guy is thinking; she's hot. Great bod...*and other PG 18 thou


Nobody said it was gonna be easy, Oh! I'm talking about life. Before Bill Gates started waking up on a one million dollar bed in his one billion dollar mansion and having his nail chipped by some fancy Italian cosmetologist while he ate with a silver spoon and got his back massaged on a golden chair, he went through some serious hell. Yeah yeah we all know he was a dropout, who missed his first opportunity of selling his first BASIC, and lost most of his customers when MITS found out his age. So yeah he went through adversities. So no, nobody said it was gonna be easy but things would come through in life I know that. Because like the old times where platos divided the people in a republic into three; the producers, the auxiliaries and the guardians. The producers as the peasant farmers and craftmen, the auxiliaries as the protector and the guardians as the royals who were guarded from the ugliness of this worlds addressed as My Lord and My lady and spoken to in fla