Nobody said it was gonna be easy, Oh! I'm talking about life. Before Bill Gates started waking up on a one million dollar bed in his one billion dollar mansion and having his nail chipped by some fancy Italian cosmetologist while he ate with a silver spoon and got his back massaged on a golden chair, he went through some serious hell. Yeah yeah we all know he was a dropout, who missed his first opportunity of selling his first BASIC, and lost most of his customers when MITS found out his age. So yeah he went through adversities. So no, nobody said it was gonna be easy but things would come through in life I know that. Because like the old times where platos divided the people in a republic into three; the producers, the auxiliaries and the guardians. The producers as the peasant farmers and craftmen, the auxiliaries as the protector and the guardians as the royals who were guarded from the ugliness of this worlds addressed as My Lord and My lady and spoken to in flat Yankee vowels...I divide the people in this world into three; the softcore, the masses and the hardcore


They are the guardians of our times. The ones that know no suffering whatsoever. Okay maybe suffering to them is a broken home or unfair treatment from their siblings but at the snap of their fingers they get everything they want. They have no idea what a motorcycle is and get goosebumps at the mention of taxis or buses. They have personal drivers and daddy gets them anything they want. You see this group of people exist in an enclosed circle; same primary school, secondary school, even colleges. Their parents belong to the same social clubs and speak slanguages that only the people in their circle understand. My idea. They don't make any difference in the world because they are so comfortable where they are. So they just spend and spend but we never hear about any good they've done. They are the producers. They walk on roses and have their noses up. But they don't go far because after a while they are forgotten.


This ones are neither hardcore or softcore. They are the ones that populate the earth with no dream or future whatsoever. They are the quitters that quit at the first trial or maybe they don't even try at all. Their ideal day is sitting on their asses and getting high over a bottle of syrup while life passes them by. Don't mistaken they are full of gifts as the human gene carries more than three thousand abilities. There are one or two things or more they are good at but maybe due to a bad experience they decide they are good at nothing. They are never happy because they know they can be more than what they are and take comfort in the wrong things. They refuse to understand that good life is a positive selfishness meant for them alone and blame their failures on others. They are the highest population roaming this planet. Nobodies, runts. You don't just want to be part of the masses because like every human you are a stuffed turkey with a lot of abilities. Check yourself; if you're a mass you need to move to what I call the hardcore


Now this are the producers, the bulls with the big horns who continue pushing no matter what comes their way. They are the people at the top of the food chain who make the biggest differences and have the biggest names. Life to them is no lucky card. They are the ones that get the try again cards at the raffle draw and sorry we can't take up your ideas but they keep moving anyway. They have faced obstacles, rejections, heartbreaks, frustration. Life has thrown so much bullshit at their faces that they can't see again but they keep on moving anyway. I'm talking about Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela, to mention a few yeah and Beethoven. That guy weighed 600lbs at twelve years old had an abusive father but still he wrote music even though he was deaf. They understand that bad experiences, rejection and a bad upbringing are no determination to what you become later even though they push so hard. I am proud if I'm a little hardcore and refuse to allow little obstacles push me to the ground or allow them walk over me. You should be if you are too. Because really life is what we make of it.

Randy Pausch once quoted
"The brick walls are there for a reason. The Brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something because the brick walls are there to stop people that don't want it bad enough. They are there to stop other people"

So decide what you are. The person or other people


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