
Showing posts from July, 2013


This is specially for the guys especially if you've ever been slapped by a girl before. Yes, I know you all are busy with your X-box, hustling or runs whichever, trying to keep up with your music, writing or whatever you love doing or balling with the guys...But I'll love if you just take a break out of your break and enjoy this little write up of mine. Mistakes are being made most of the times by guys on what not to say to a lady. At times I wonder; do you guys say this things to piss us off or you do it subconsciously cause I don't get it, why set fire to a house you are locked up in with no way of getting out knowing that obviously; you'll get burned. Take for instance this gorgeous couple; Dana and Bigi Dana is a normal, average girl next door. Loving, pretty, down to earth, reserved, smart, simply every guys dream. While Bigi though the opposite of her is equally as loving and caring as she is with a loud personality and a soft spot. He's simp


Imagine you are Tara      Tara is fresh out of college with a second class upper in Mass Communication. Tall, independent and a beautiful woman with steels for fists and ferrous for feet ready to stomp the world and show the public that she is a unique and irreplaceable individual willing to  really make a difference and not just by saying it. She adjusts her black Swede suit one more time as she stands in front of the telecommunication company; Airtel to be precise. She did her internship there two years ago and was hoping they would consider her for the open job space they advertised in the vanguard newspaper. Closing her eyes, she takes one last deep breath then opens it and walks confidently into the gate totally positive that she was the right person for the job. Entering the door; her heart pounds faster and harder as she begins to doubt every charming thing she thinks about herself but she walks to the customer care table nevertheless and states