Imagine you are Tara
     Tara is fresh out of college with a second class upper in Mass
Communication. Tall, independent and a beautiful woman with steels for
fists and ferrous for feet ready to stomp the world and show the public
that she is a unique and irreplaceable individual willing to  really make a
difference and not just by saying it.
She adjusts her black Swede suit one more time as she stands in front
of the telecommunication company; Airtel to be precise. She did her
internship there two years ago and was hoping they would consider her for
the open job space they advertised in the vanguard newspaper. Closing her
eyes, she takes one last deep breath then opens it and walks confidently
into the gate totally positive that she was the right person for the job.
Entering the door; her heart pounds faster and harder as she begins to
doubt every charming thing she thinks about herself but she walks to the
customer care table nevertheless and states her agenda. They direct her
upstairs where she is directed to the manager’s office for her interview.
Sighing and saying a short prayer she turns the lock of the office and
opens the door. Her heart skips on seeing the manager. She remembered this
face from somewhere. Yeah; it is the kin she sees in movies or read in
novels that she thought were too good to be true and even if they are; she
is certain she isn’t going to come across them in her lifetime. His well
chiseled chin, dark serious eyes, well groomed Afro, built upper body, dark
chocolate skin, smooth looks and his bushy brow to mention a few gives him
that rough masculine look that every lady dreams of.
“Good morning sire” she finally greets politely regaining consciousness but
he is too distracted with the game of Sudoku on his desktop to look up. She
clears her throat still standing at a respectful distance with her CV
in her hand; but he still ignores her
“Good morning sire” she says a little louder. This time he looks up and
smiles at her. It was obvious he heard her the first time
“Miss Tara Akindokun” he asks she looks at him surprisingly and smiles
“Have you been expecting me” she says
“Yes we have been expecting you. Your uncle biological I guess submitted
your CV last week but you didn’t show up on Wednesday”
“Yes. I am sorry Mr.…..” she looks at the tag on his shirt
“Mr. Akin I was indisposed”
“It’s okay”
“Have a seat please” Tara smiles and honors the offer taking a seat
opposite him
 She notices his accent. It is obvious he wasn’t brought up in Nigeria he
accent is fully British
“So Tara “he started smiling generously “Is that what everybody calls you”
he continues
“Except my mom she calls me Funto”
“Nice name” he smiles at her but she looks away trying to hide her timidity
“So what’s it like over here” she said picking the ceramic decor from his
table and concentrating on it
“Any free coffee or lunch” she asks smiling.
He laughs out
“Naaa it’s really hectic….I’m always up and going practically no time to
fool around” she nods in agreement
“And we buy our own lunch and coffee. Its Lagos remember” she smiles back
at him
“Yeah I know I did my IT here” she says he laughs at her dramatic eye rolling
“Two years ago……….and I don’t remember this face” she says
“I wasn’t here yet” he answers she nods in agreement squeezing her lips
“I look forward to working with you” he says still with his warm smile
“You start work tomorrow by eight pm be sure not to come late” he continues
putting her CV back in the file and putting it in his drawer
She looks at him surprisingly
“Wow……ummh so that’s it? No questions or interview I have the job already?......or aren't you going to go through my resume” he looks at her and then stops the game
“An interview? 75 of your colleagues came for that and spoke beautifully
but none of them got the job because the space is specially preserved for
you. That’s how I presume people run things over here. It’s all about knowing
someone right? Not how good someone is. You don’t need an interview Tara
you’ve got the job from the onset”
“Oh…..okay I guess I’ll be living then…ummh see you tomorrow I guess” she
says standing up still confused she turns and heads to the door
“Tara” he calls she turns to him expectantly
“Can I have your contact you know phone number….and maybe get the chance to
take you out one of this days” she smiles to him
“For someone that just insulted me….I guess I should have a chance to think
about that”
“Did I? "
“Indirectly, besides we work together now remember” and with that she left
his office
As you walk home of course you would be excited and happy I mean a classy
handsome intelligent and potential guy just asked you on a date and I’m
sure if you do your homework there’s probably more to him. So my questions
are; would you have doubts? Would you think this way
'This bloke is just too good for me probably has a woman and he wants nothing to do with a
woman like me' Would you think he’s too good to be true? Yes its permitted
to have your doubts you just don’t give every guy a heads on but my problem
lies with you thinking you are not good enough for him. This means you are
not qualified enough to have a decent, classy and intelligent guy beside
you. That is simply inferiority complex and things like this divide a woman's chances into two. Frankly speaking the world is changing just like the ozone layer is
depleting and the globes are warming up; the balance of nature is also
turning upside down. Think about it; sixty years ago we had house wives and
walking class husbands, we had men who would go far to impress a lady. Men
would change their wardrobes, get a new job, try to dress decent and speak
well just so a lady would think they are polished. In the sixties we had
men who removed their hats and bowed their heads to show courtesy to a lady
and men who kissed the palms of women to greet them and in a particular
part of Nigeria, we had men who received lashes I mean serious painstaking
lashes to prove they were strong enough and matured enough to have a wife.
But nowadays I’m talking about this age; men do not care. Now we have
ladies who get boob jobs, wear buttocks pad, change their hair a million
times, lie, steal and even fight to impress a guy. We have house husbands
and working class wives. Guys don’t care nowadays they just do their “own
thing” stay late and play PS with the boys and we ladies have to keep up around the clock even in the midnight when we are allowed to look our ugliest, we try to look good so that we could measure up to a particular standard so we would be good enough for him to take out, and show off to his friends and foes.
But this is not my bone of contention really. My problem lies with ladies
who think they have to be a hundred percent perfect to get the perfect guy.
There are four so whats I want to point out. I mean SCREW IT! No one cares.
If he’s not okay with the way you are then that means he’s not good enough
for you and someone better is out there. Yea! I said it you don’t have to
be desperate

             1.     SO WHAT IF YOU ARE PLUS SIZE

You don’t have to be a size 6 to look good. I have a problem with ladies
who feel they have to change their body to get a man or keep a man. If you
are doing it, do it because you want to feel better or improve yourself if
not don’t do it. Work with what you got. Raven is a plus size but she is
still beautiful because she embraces her body so is monique. She doesn’t wear big tops or
shapeless skirts. No, she embraces herself the way she is. So next time you
go out with your man or your yet to be man on a date or for a drink and you
see those twigs. Shake it off and enjoy the day of all of them he came to
you. There is something that attracted him to you even if it’s the one
thing that you are most insecure about; your body.
Steve Harvey stated in his book “think like a man” that we choose if we are
the sport fish or the keeper. You see sport fish are the ladies that are
just for a while; he takes you out, shows you off, takes pictures with you,
sleeps with you then throws you back. But the keeper is that one lady he
wants to spend the rest of his life with and frankly speaking we choose
which one we want to be by the way we act. So i can be the skinniest twig
or the fattest hippo but my behavior is what goes a long way in determining
if he stays or not. Lack of confidence, insecurity, and all those things
would chase him away. So I employ all ladies reading this to remove all
paranoia view from their head and embrace their body. Candidly; not
everybody can be skinny


Let me point something out; you are educated, just not to your satisfaction
not his satisfaction. He probably doesn’t know you are a dropout. You speak
correctly, you are a smart innovative thinker, he loves your ideas and you
are busy killing yourself thinking if he has the slightest idea, He’s going
to drop you. Once again your insecurity sets in. Yes the fact remains that
guys like educated women. They like a woman with a degree and probably
masters. They like a woman with a sound educational background but that
doesn’t mean they can’t make an exception for you. The true reality is no
one’s perfect so they won’t drop you if you dropped out of school. That
doesn’t define you so they won’t use that to judge you. His parents? They
want him to marry a woman with a degree or masters or even a PHD and you
don’t think you are that woman. An advice from me; use your charm and Witt
on them. Be confident and classy and trust me they would forget all about
that and if they don’t; they would learn to accept you with time. So don’t
feel your case is peculiar statistics has it that every 29 seconds, another
student gives up on school, resulting in more than one million American
dropouts a year – or 7,000 every day. Besides if you are lucrative and self
employed all that doesn’t matter.


This one personally pisses me off. We are humans of the 21st century, We live in a western world, we evolved from man like ape to erectus then habilis and successfully to homo sapiens so why the hell do some of us still pick of some behaviors from the man like apes. A lot has changed since Romeo killed himself for Juliet and Mongo park discovered the river Nigeria. I mean a lot has changed since our kings sold us into slavery for boxers and briefs to the Britain. But still societal marriage is one of the most rampant issues in this modern age; the
rich get married to the rich, the influential get married to the
influential, the average get married to the average and the poor; well the
poor get married to the poor. But in your case he’s  the son of minister,
governor, senator, house of rep or a big entrepreneur and you; you’re the
daughter of two ordinary people maybe a civil servant and a nurse or a
technician and a secretary of a small company. News flash; these things
happen every day. It happened in the case of Prince Edward and his lovely
wife. In Philosophy; Heraclitus based his doctrine
on change. He said change is inevitable and that change maintains reality.
He realized that reality ceases is there is no change. We are in a dynamic
world. A world of variety everything is not supposed to be constant. So you
are not the strange case of Benjamin Franklin you’re just one of the many
cases happening every day.
 So as long as the both of you are together for logical reasons not because
you want his money, I don’t see anything wrong with it whether his parent
likes it or not. So don’t go around thinking his mom would bring home some
spider legged, European educated, senator’s daughter who you think measures
up to his standards and not you and he’ll dump you at the snap of his
fingers. Just think of what attracted him to you the very first day he saw
you. You’re not a sport fish and you won’t be treated as one. These entire
little things suppress all the wealth, influence or societal differences he
has compared to you. Besides, he loves you don’t he?  And to me that’s the
only thing that matters. A family is not built on the number of Ferraris in the yard. A family is built on much more


You know what I mean in this case, you don't have enough bust or hips and butt and in some cases you have none. So at times you feel like a drawing board; just plain and you know flat. I know its painful when you see this gorgeous Oscar de la Renta gown in a boutique and you eagerly try it on but to you own disappointment, you just don't (how do they put it) fill up the vacant spaces
Yes, I would admit it; womanly abundance makes you look amazing, adds to your sex appeal, makes you feel like a lady with everything in the right places. Even the book every woman admitted to the fact that bust adds to a woman's confidence. But what happens if you're not a ten over ten in this aspect?
Let me point this out; unlike we ladies who are always absent minded and thinking, a guy sees it all; they walk with their eyes working. That's why when a lady passes they turn that is their eyes working
My point exactly; he saw it all but still decided to choose you, woo you, take you out. So don't feel jealous if some Dolly Pattons or Beyonce comes to flirt with your husband. Or if his secretary is some Maria Carey wanna be. He would have gone for all this options they are all over him but he ignored them. He saw something in you he didn't see in others so just relax and enjoy that advantage

Stop comparing your behind the scenes with everyone's highlight reel and kill that Atelphobia which is the fear of being good enough just live life with happiness every passing day.


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