I want you all to say this, it was our pledge in secondary school and it has helped me through life a whole lot; ‘I am a unique and irreplaceable individual, my vocation in life is also personal, therefore; I must not follow the group always’ We are unique, we are irreplaceable but most of all, we are individuals. There’s just one of us, just one and no one has control over your life except God and yourself. Have you ever notice that nothing changes in your life until you make up your mind that you want it to? Take for instance, a junkie. Till he decides to make up his mind to change and take measures to changing he won’t, no matter how much he tells people hey! I’m a changed man or pray, He has to decide. We are all as different as our fingerprints and no two people have exactly the same view of life, we all view life from a different perspective. So fuck what you hear on the street; people judging your opinion, your relationship, your achievements and ...