By nature in the animal kingdom, the male species are the beautiful creatures with the distinctive feature to help enhance mating. The male lizard has the colourful skin and during the mating season, it stays in d sun to attract the female specie to its glowing skin, the peacock spreads its colourful tail to woo the peahen into submission during mating season, rutilus a kind of fish has elaborate colours in its scale to encourage the female specie into mating. Even the male toad croaks loudly to attract the female toad into mating with him. By nature the male specie is the finer specie. The lion is the one with the mane, the cock is the one with the comb, even the male turkey is more goodlooking than the tacky looking female. In science its called the biological ornaments and female animals ain't got much of it. But when we come to the specie called human there's a switch, females are the attractive species while males are the plainlooking ones. Therefore we have the advantage ...