By nature in the animal kingdom, the male species are the beautiful creatures with the distinctive feature to help enhance mating. The male lizard has the colourful skin and during the mating season, it stays in d sun to attract the female specie to its glowing skin, the peacock spreads its colourful tail to woo the peahen into submission during mating season, rutilus a kind of fish has elaborate colours in its scale to encourage the female specie into mating. Even the male toad croaks loudly to attract the female toad into mating with him. By nature the male specie is the finer specie. The lion is the one with the mane, the cock is the one with the comb, even the male turkey is more goodlooking than the tacky looking female. In science its called the biological ornaments and female animals ain't got much of it. But when we come to the specie called human there's a switch, females are the attractive species while males are the plainlooking ones. Therefore we have the advantage of being the one attracting the male into submission and the males are the ones getting attracted towards us. We don't have to woo, they have to do the wooing to get us to notice that they are noticing us. Kind of like the female lizards walks up to the male in the sun and goes 'ok I've noticed you let's get this over with'. God has given us that advantage maybe because I don't know he felt guys could handle rejection better than us or it would be awkward if guys had boobs and ass or tiny voices and we had to be the one checking them out. Anyway God gave us that advantage. Good for us it worked a lot for us in the past. I'm talking bout the days were horses and carts were used and ladies wore baskets on their waist to make their dresses bigger. Now its just buttocks pads and.....I'll stop there. anyway those days ladies were seen as delicate creatures and guys felt they had to go a hundred percent to impress us. In Filipino the guys couldn't go directly to the lady to woo her, he had to get a third party who would talk to the ladies father who would either give his blessings or not then the third party would report back and the guy had to always be on his best behaviour and come to the girls place a considerable number of time where he would spend time with her and the parents would watch like hawks. In the Victoria age, guys would have to seek the permission of the parents to take the girl on a date. And dates where held in public places like the city because at that period the city was a big deal because of all the cool infrastructures and the parents always chaperoned the date. And according to the Jane Austen's rules in the nineties, Chivalry which is pulling out chairs and opening doors was important in dates, Ladies never ever asked guys out, dates were chaperoned, guys never stood girls up as a matter of fact they had to come get the girl at the appointed time etc etc. Now let's forward back to the 21st century and see how things have changed so much. I mean it was just the nineties and so much has changed.
Now girls flirt, ask guys out, one night stands have become rampant and never in my life have I heard of a chaperoned date; not in this age. Now my problem is not with the flirting or the one night stands or the unchaperoned dates, its the fact that so much respect has been lost for the word dating that now some ladies just wanna spend the guys hard earned money and the guys just wanna screw the ladies as long as he spends. It's annoying you know guys doing the most shallow things to get money so that they won't feel left out on a 'good time' and girls not caring how they got this money at the first instance as long as he buys their bags and hair. *sigh*. A guy meets a girl, good she seems pretty cool, pretty, classy, and the next thing, he feels the best place they can hang out for the first time should be his place. When is that ever right in any instance. He's either a Perv or he's just stupid not to know that you have to take a girl out for at least maybe a drink before you suggest your place and see if she's cool with it. A normal girl would wonder and maybe ask if she doesn't ignore you 'why don't we hang out at a bar or maybe a drive in firstly' then the guy assumes she's a gold digger because she suggested a place he has to spend. It's sad you know, some guys assuming all girls are Bitches and some girls assuming all guys are dogs even the reasonable ones are included in the list of the stupid ones well that's because its so hard to find reasonable this days. Now everyone lies about everything and there's a lot of synthetic this days. You feel girls have a lot of fake on them, how about a fake atutude? Why don't we just for Pete sake have a little old fashion in us to keep us sane. That way we could have more sensible people on planet earth. Yes maybe. Its still not certain. Guys please stop thinking all girls are just slutbags that you can screw, lie to and spend on and girls stop giving it up to every tom Dick and harry. Let's make the world a better place for love (cant believe I just said that) but yes I know what I said. Just a little old fashion would do

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