
Showing posts from December, 2013


LADIES, DON'T FALL FOR THIS CARDS In the world of relationships, romance, love, hookups and the likes of this influences always drama because a capital D. you know its sad.... How soooo much energy is put into dumb things the like relationship while someone is yet to invent a car that can work on land, sea and air. see; deliquesce and a colossal waste of time on the wrong things. No wonder we are still under Newton's law and Thomas Edison's invention; nothing new or exciting. well, in a way I'm glad.  I can imagine it was in the time of Lussac, Boyle and Einstein them time.We would be a bunch of wackos {Well the guys} all absorbed in science, no wife or kids trying to make the coming nation's life difficult, invent unreasonable courses like Further Maths and measure the speed of a pendulum bulb or a spinning coin {breathes}..........hopeless. Well not withstanding, all this energy in the world of relationship.......not needed. Take guys for instance; someone t